

I've had a crush on her since Josh Kirby Time Warrior.

More cores doesn't mean better performance.

$700 million for John Carter eh? Am I the only one who has very little interest in seeing this? The trailers make me think it is Prince of Persia 2: The sands of mars.

Not going to play Locke and disagree with you, because I see your point. From your other comments it sounds like you didn't really care for ME2 so should I assume you were never really interested in ME3, even before this was posted?

But wouldn't this require a lot of "learning" or initial setup? How does it know who your wife is, what your running mix is, etc.?

Maybe the article meant to say from a man’s point of view...? If a woman is more feminine, I am more apt to want to sleep with her. ;)

From the Bioware FAQ for ME3 -

Damn it. Again?

Darn double post.


Partly but I think some items, like if I tell it to text a message to my wife, are done solely on the device. It appears that a lot of the processing power is needed to determine what you mean and not exactly what you say.

It still looks like a feature that most people will play around with (or show off) for a couple of weeks and then never use again.

The iPhone 4S has dual core proc (like the iPad 2). That is supposed to be the reason for Siri only on 4S.

Curious, what kind of beauty are you referring to? Did you know him personally or by beauty do you mean the products Apple released?

Yes. Thank God (note - Steve Jobs is not God) for the blog view because the other view (top stories?) was nothing but SJ articles last night.

Something tells me this thing may not be quite as fast as the video potrays. I'm primarily thinking items that will require internet connectivity (checking the weather in the video).

Pop-pop gets a treat?

I have an iPhone 4 (thinking about trying Windows Phone 7.5) and bought an iPad 2 for very specific things (knowing full well what I could do after a jailbreak). I will sell it in a heartbeat if the Kindle Fire can be a good substitute. Hell, I'll buy two. :)