
Windows 7 Media PC running XBMC (upgraded to Eden this last weekend - Nice), a handful of computer games, and emulators. Everything scripted to launch from XBMC which makes it nice having one interface.

Yes, it is real. I thought it sounded awesome until I read that Katherine Heigl is in talks to star in it.

This would be great... If I didn't use my debit and credit cards (cash back 4tw) for EVERYTHING and if I didn't want to collect interest on every spare dollar I have.

I watched this movie a year or two ago (link below) and it was an interesting look into the lives of folks who became addicted to video games. I believe WoW and EQ were two out of the three games they show.

"They actually skip important parts of the plot (like Peter Parker becoming Spiderman) so they dont have to write plot elements from Spiderman (2002) again."\

To honor him, they named something that looks like a giant phallus after him? No thanks.

Sorry, I stopped reading at the third paragraph -

"We are poised for victory."

Why is this filed under "Watch This"? Shouldn't it have a "Don't" in front of that?

I feel sorry for him and, at the same time, jealous of him.

OK, the linked article and quoted snippet doesn't specifically say Spider-Man MMO...? I took it to mean they wanted to work on a Spider-Man game - period. Probably something more akin to Mass Effect or KOTOR and not an MMO (and maybe not even an RPG).

We'll see how much of an impact, if any, the takedown of MegaUpload has on this.

Exactly. I have an iPhone 4S and an iPad 2 but, if I had to do it over again, I would probably grab the Amazon Kindle Fire and root it.

This and a few apps I use that were originally approved and then removed from the app store (off the top of my head - VLC).

What I was thinking. If they continued with the Ender series, they would need an entirely new cast and, yeah, those books were fairly plodding in some parts (I enjoyed them overall but some chapters needed a kick in the arse). I never read any of the Shadow series (and some one-off’s I think?) so I can’t comment.

"I made my 2 year old niece watch it" <—- YOU are a horrible person. Kidding, only kidding.

Word around the campfire is a sequel (or possibly prequel) is in the works. /shrug

I didn't read the whole article on how a movie is considered profitable but I would think the last three didn't make a lot of money (maybe with overseas they did).

Sorry, I'm still thinking this movie will probably suck. Snyder's track record really makes me wonder how the hell he landed such a huge movie.

I may have to check this out. Thanks you.