
@ThursdayNext: So you found a bug big enough to stop a large portion of ps3 users from accessing their ps3s for a day every 4 years and they swept it under the rug? Not patching a bug in a game is far different then patching a system error. But hey, if you're right I will buy you a cookie in 4 years.

@TRT-X: It's definitely Mitch Hedberg he (is trying to) sounds like to me.

@TechnoAtom: I thought the same thing. I really think he is trying to, and it bothers me because I keep expecting the funny.

I feel like "one-off" sponsorship would not be well received by superstitious players.

@electroshockwave: Man, I really wish we westerners knew about eating Noodles. :(

@Poul Wrist: Well I would think that it would install the small files it has to load constantly onto the hard drive and the large files are kept on the disc and pulled from there. then you are loading from two places so double the speed?

@Poul Wrist: Installation has nothing to do with the disc or space, its all about the speed. Think of data as water. A disc is a small pond far away from your hole that needs water, the best you can get out of it is the trickle of a stream. now the HDD is a massive lake or ocean close to your hole, you have

Come on Sega. If we don't understand something in Yakuza we just wiki it later. Its a view into another culture that I play the game for.

@Laronvas: I read "most toilet seats" as "moist toilet seats." What a difference a letter makes.

@Ryuuenjin: Eyes are more dangerous because there is no skin. It is like injecting grossness directly into the important stuff.

@onimusha_lp: They might be dirtier but your eyes are one of the most susceptible places on your body for bacteria and viruses and germs because there is no skin on them.

@Fusion-X: Well it's okay. Whenever I want to win I just play acquisition.

@Fusion-X: Speaking of Raven, has anyone won an attacking Domination game yet? I got lucky with two wins defending, but any time my team is attacking valor my team either scatters and crys or simply are over powered. It's closer with SVER but i have never won an attack. (6 major defeats and 3minor)

@VincentGrey: Go for it! Sure you will be down some plastic rings and dust collectors but you will be up on cash. The way I see it you're far better off tossing something on craigslist or ebay then letting it sit on your shelf only so that you can say, "Wow, why did I buy that?"

@PontiusPirate: I don't think it would be bad necessarily, mostly just different. I think there would be many smaller games. With smaller more versatile teams. I feel like you should consider the film industry one big company and when a movie is made they pull in who ever they can get that is the best at what they

@Paul Man Roberts: Don't poke fun, it has "unlimited special effects" (huhwha?)

@Icemael: Do you think that if a camera man had no mass or volume they wouldn't have the same angles?

When I worked at Gamestop one of my managers complained because he had lost all of his money playing poker at the managers conference in Vegas. Not a big deal. He played all the time and wasn't very good. The reason he was upset was because he lost his money to Randy Pitchford. This video makes me think that he is

@Rask: An out of court settlement?