
@Erwin: There should be a law. If there is a question involving ice cream then the pro-ice cream choice is always correct.

@LucasReis: I never really thought of it as an RPG. I always saw it as more of a strategy game. Whatever you call it, it has one of my favorite combat systems ever!

@StevenRafael: Because they new no one would care enough by the last show if they did one contestant per episode.

I miss when PS2 games (I think they were at least mostly ps2) had the alternate covers on the reverse of the normal cover. BMX: XXX happens to have a picture on the opposite side of the cover. (and I bet most gamestop employees who work at a slower store know what it is.)

@MagicMagicPony: I just hope it doesn't fill me with Misery. The character doesn't seem to be much of a Gunslinger. I hope it Cells. (yes that one is a stretch.)

@Female Orca: "These chapters are sometimes narrated in the past tense and they are designed to end in cliffhangers."

@battra92: The PS3 is not a fan of disc changing if you don't save yourself onto the other disc. (Legend of Dragoon for example. You can progress from disc to disc because you save and then if you load from that spot it requires the next disc but you can't move in the opposite direction)

@Bloatus: I think your first oddity maybe partly false making your second less odd. That was the first thing I thought when I read this.

@Tomcat51: You are an old man. your daughter is getting chocked to death by your crazed grandson, who looks to be in decent shape. The phone is out. How do you resolve the situation?

"Carver's brother character is just a regular brother-type character. "

@Rod_Z: Samuel EL can be killed by sharks. It is a well known fact! In Jumper he is threatened with sharks and in Deep Blue Sea he is eaten by one.

@Psudonym: The exposure is good but short lived. If you look at Bill Gates, he has been working on his charity since his retirement and how much publicity is he getting them at the moment? It can also turn into a corporation using a worthy cause to try and alter their reputation. "Hi welcome to the M&M sponsored

@LucasReis: It definetly has a nicer ring than "This kind of non-profit organization of protecting furry creatures which are adorable and also some that aren't."

@Jim-sama: It is definitely amusing. I have also ran into many groups of people like this online. The single player story is a cliche (note its not cliched but a walking breathing cliche of rpgs) But for some reason it gives me the same feeling I got when I watch the first season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers,

@pitseleh0: You have never squirted lemon in your eye. Squeezing out a lemons happiness makes it vengeful.

I still can't find that damn any key!

@mirroroflyss: What about, "too much chocolate, that I haven't eaten?"

@STG7: So it is pretty much the same as all the other Final Fantasy games?

@Lion_Knight: But its not a survival horror game. Its a zombie HUMOR game. Nothing was really scary in Dead Rising (other than the clown, but that was just because he was a clown.)

Could someone explain how FFXIII "linear" is? I haven't been reading any reviews but from all of the other FF games I have played I have always hit a spot where I have a bunch of areas and side-quests to explore. Did they take that out? (And did they go back in time and make the last 12 games in America or also take