
@Deekle: No this affects everywhere (and every Media). This hearing is not to pass or not pass the law. It is to decide whether the law is constitutional.

Mancalla (don't know how to spell it but sound it out!) is pretty easy to find and fun.

@Vecha: I remember a while back some one explained it to me as this:

@Misfit110: He used his Scientology jet-pack!

@Thriceborn: He is doing things that are wrong (obviously,) but he is doing it (in my opinion at least) for all the right reasons. He became drunk with power and was cast out in the beginning of the second game. Zeus tried to kill him and then killed all the people of Sparta who Kratos cared about and watched over.

@Thriceborn: You missed the most important part. *spoiler if you didn't finish GoW2* He is Zeus's son and Karma is about to bite him on the ass. You also have to remember that this is not a completely accurate portrayal of Greek mythology. The gods are even more angry and petty. Zeus has been corrupted and

@solid_rave: He didn't say it was a disappointing ending. He said the last third was not as action packed. It will most likely still have more action then my Wii will ever see in that last third.

@Thriceborn: So, I take it you missed that Zeus was completely destroying Sparta to spite Kratos? And the fact that Zeus was trying to kill him because the Oracles foretold Kratos would kill him? Or that Zeus has tortured all of the Titans for thousands of years? Or that anyone who opposes Zeus will be punished

@battra92: As a word of caution "Duties of Love" sounds way better than "relationship tasks" when talking to your significant other.

@timestep: Well you're not hardcore unless you live hardcore.

@Recoil: Wow, I have been all over America and, believe it or not, we don't have a custom of walking up to people and asking their religious beliefs. Now if you walk around preaching atheism you will get the bible thumpers coming after you just like those who preach religion get the over zealous atheists. Those

@ubernocrono: 5% of a whole heck of a lot is a lot.

If you want to deceive someone it is important that they think you are the best or the worst (depending on the situation.) This of course has nothing to do with how good you actually are (you are deceiving them after all.)

@ThursdayNext: You forgot about having your tea dumped off your ships!

@Kobun: An article i read earlier today said that she had a "nervous condition due to the stresses of living in a royal household." (don't remember where it was i think bbc) msz also posted a comment above that may explain things better.

@Erwin: Now if only we had some magnets we could stick notes to it.

@CalderMedusa: Vikings have better hats. Also, the whole Hall of the Fallen theme to the name. Where do pirates go when they die? Davey Jones' Locker? (Okay that is a cool name but its just to long!)

@Antiterra: Why is it that all great things must never come to an end any more? There is no need for a Heavenly Sword 2, it is one of my favorite games but it ended and is very definitively over story wise at the end of the game. It would be a reach (mostly towards our wallets) for them to make another one. as for

@excel_excel: Don't you mean "Yippee ki Yay MELON FARMER?"