Sure. Goddess forbid that people be reminded of a normal biological female bodily function in a society where the extremely conservative, male right wing is stopping at nothing to control female bodies.
Sure. Goddess forbid that people be reminded of a normal biological female bodily function in a society where the extremely conservative, male right wing is stopping at nothing to control female bodies.
Still one of my favorite images.
Word. I mean, kudos to her and to the jury, circumstantial evidence shouldn’t send a person away. But yeah, she has to have done it. Who else wanted to? And the poison? But it’s the time gap between the murders that really convinces me.
I’m a Scully in the streets and Mulder in the sheets.
god fucking bless you, Madeleine.
I usually think it’s obnoxious when people do that whole “oh you didn’t vote? Then you can’t complain” schtick, but goddamn, the amount of times I’ve heard someone under the age of 35 prattling on about how the right wing is destroying the country and how The Daily Show totally “destroyed” so-and-so the other night…
Don’t think her ex is cray - he just seems like a dad who won’t bow down and exit his daughter’s life, which enrages her. Narcissistic reaction: ‘You WILL do as I say!’
I am entirely unsurprised by this. She seems cray, he seems cray, her ex seems cray - literally everyone involved in all of this seems completely batshit.
I can’t even imagine how scary that must have been. I’m freaked out just by hearing it but I can’t imagine actually experiencing something like that - it sounds like s living nightmare. It’s best not to think about it or make sense of it because thinking about it or talking about it can just feed the energy of it.…
Fuck you. Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you I am never sleeping ever again. NEVER.
OMG I’m an asshole but I have another story. This one isn’t a ghost story it’s a real life story although I would not be surprised if this guy was possessed by a demon. I spoke briefly about this experience once on an article about losing friends but I’ll tell the WHOLE THING because it still scares me to think about…
I am a horrible storyteller, so I won’t even try, but I will give you some idea. If it sounds like anything anyone wants to hear, I’ll write more, but I need help in writing it so it makes sense. This is a story of a crazy haunting that took place over 9-10 years, so there’s a ton of detail I could put into it. Heck,…
FINALLY!!! I have been waiting all year for this!! Here is my story.
This truly happened to me, and maybe I should have contacted the police about it but I didn’t. I try not to think about it.
When I was sixteen I would sneak out of the house at night get high and read a book (Such a rebel, I know). There was an empty forclosed home next door, and I would get inside via a basement window well and smoke in the basement’s bar area. One night it was raining pretty heavy, and I forgot to bring my lighter. I…
Just because it takes time for pain medication to take effect doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use it. Take dentists, for example - they’re more than willing to numb your mouth and wait while everything goes numb before they pull out the drill.
If she died in seconds, would it have mattered if there were someone there with her? Also, is anyone else freaked out that something that could kill you in seconds is being overseen by what I can only imagine are the same kids running the SunTan City?
WTF, 1980s? Why is it that literally every other decade has something timelessly awesome about it that we can honor yet the 80s has...terrible hair, shoulder pads, and THOSE GLASSES? What beauty or fashion trends from the 80s deserve to be resurrected? Jelly bracelets, maybe?
As far as pain goes, from my experience, It was painful for about 30 seconds during insertion(yes, very painful, but not for very long), and then I had some heavy cramping for a few hours afterwards, and some off and on cramping for the next 24 hours. Since then I have had little to no cramping or periods(to the…
It’s illegal for insurance not to cover it. The ACA specifically calls out birth control as being a fully covered service that shouldn’t even have a co-pay.