
the end game is always strong manageable hair that descends in generally one length below the shoulders.

additionally, if a friend asks you “should I get bangs?” within 1 month of a breakup, lock her in a closet (SANS SCISSORS) and call for professional help because otherwise she is going to do it herself and it is going to be baaaaaad.

You didn’t listen to me, but you think you’d listen to Jasmine Guillory’s advice? Ha-RUMPH. Now this is you:

I’m 100000% sure I would hate being pregnant, too. But she doesn’t make it easy on herself either. Like, Kim, no, you aren’t going to be able to wear your Valentinos comfortably with swollen ankles.

Scott is far and away the most entertaining person on that mindless guilty pleasure of a show. While I realize he’s a terrible person for all intents and purposes, I really just can’t help but dread his absence.

I don’t know, he looks like fun at least. And I would totally sleep with him.

“bitch stole my look”- Pete Campbell (don’t feel like looking up how to spell his real last name. mondays!)

God, it must really be awful for those creators to have a bunch of people on the internet making assumptions about their intentions and criticizing them publicly. Good thing it’s only on twitter though, imagine if there was a whole app, just for that!

Yet another role that could have gone to a naturally bald actor.

Let’s hope the Kardashians go on to create something as meaningful as The Special Olympics, the Promotion of a Civil Rights Act, or mandatory health care....

Ya know, some of the Mitford sisters were NAZI sympathizers yet I would still trade the Kardashians for them.

Without the political pull, they’ll fade over time even if they stay in the industry. The Barrymores were once a big deal and now it’s just, “Drew Barrymore comes from a big acting family.” The elders have no oomph.

Not even the littlest bit.


“Let me show you how confident I am of my body that is perfect by all mainstream standards, draped in flattering light and soaked in sexy water droplets.” - Faux Feminist, 2015.

My favourite variation of “Paul is dead” is that John played both of them. When the pressure got too much he faked his own death and only lived as Paul from then on.

Avril Lavigne didn’t know who David Bowie was, while at the same time claiming to be a “musician.” In short, fuck Avril Lavigne.

The observation from the Oprah clip bit is ridiculous; the guy can hear, afterall, and when white singer fella steps close, I imagine Stevie simply hears that he's next to him... is that so much of a stretch?

Eeeeeehhhhh, most of this evidence seems built in the idea that his eyes are completely dead and not functioning. If he's just seeing big blurry shapes all the time, he'd still be functionally blind and still fully capable of doing this stuff, especially since he's got his other senses and has been relying on them for