
I’m Boston, and think our pizza generally really sucks and had a laugh at that too. Not to mention how much I hate bar room style pizza (it’s not real pizza), though I think that is a little more specific to South Shore than all of greater Boston.

While I have never worked food service I have worked plenty of retail jobs, and I think in regards to closing it is pretty similar. We start cleaning early, if my store is closing at 9 cleaning duties start at 7. This is not the decision of the sales associates, or even the managers, it is the policy of the company.

lol Her butt and boobs are not real. She looks good, but she bought it all.

US Weekly gets the Kardashian “exclusive” “candid” bikini pics because they are also agree to retouch them.

weren’t these tags started as a bit of a joke though

I never noticed before that Alec Baldwin’s wife and daughter actually look like sisters. Ugh.

I don’t know if she did or did not give traditional sit down interviews, but she was definitely quoted in magazines in the 90s in articles.

I think that is Joe Jonas.

Excuse me, I actually misquoted it was “brother and sister” which is even worse.

Oh, I know. I love it because I never got the Brad Pitt appeal, and this just makes it so clear he has no personality.

I like Jennifer Aniston, but she has incredibly boring style and always looks the same.

There is however a hilarious PR People wedding article about Brad and Jen’s wedding which is very easy to find because People has a great online archive. In it they describe how they prepared for the wedding by getting “sibling highlights” together at their favorite salon.

It actually had its world premiered at Sundance in 2015, but will get a theatrical release in 2016.

The officially started dating when she was 18 and he was 30. But many of her fans claim they just say that to make it mildly less creepy, and she was 17.

All the retail places I have worked at don’t allow us to kick people out. We don’t have to let new people in after our closing time (9 usually), but if someone came in before closing they are allowed to shop until they choose to leave. It was the worst at Nordstrom when NO department in the whole store could close

This is actually the best she has looked at an event to me in a while. There was a point when she was looking much older than she was, but I think she looks really normal here.

This was my first thought...

MA most popular is Hennessy? Interesting.. I live in MA and literally do not no one person that even drinks that occasionally.

Which she says is cool if you are the type of person that likes labels... “If you feel like you really want to define yourself, and you have the ability to articulate those parameters and that in itself defines you, then do it.”

I never really cared about Cece so I was disappointed by the reveal. I think the ‘A’ reveal that a supposedly disgruntled former PLL employee leaked sounded better. Wren as ‘A’/Charles made the most sense too (in a show that makes 0% sense most of the time).