
I really like Colin Firth, but when I saw previews for MITM and saw that Emma Stone was clearly his love interest I was furious, even my mother who never comments on things like that thought it was ludicrous. I know it was a Woody Allen movie so it is basically expected that an old man dates a young girl, but UGHHHH.

Does anyone else think Ireland Baldwin’s new bf looks like he could be a young Baldwin brother?

I wasn’t really referring to fantasies, but the fact that many men actually get off from nonconsensual sex.

Why isn’t male psychology fucked up when many men clearly get off on the power and control of nonconsensual sex as well?

I had a friend tell me watching BB made her really want to try meth. I’m still not really sure why it seemed appealing to her.. the money aspect of making they definitely glamorized, but I didn’t think they ever really made the drug itself look appealing.

This whole article sounds like it is trying to be Tom and Lorenzo Mad Style, but they are not as capable.

This is crazy. I had no idea that this is what this guy ended up doing. Also apparrently Annalynne Mccord of 90210 fame is involved?

I’ve interned for Congressmen before, and there is computer system they use to categorize the letters they get. I’m not sure if they use those letters to influence any legislation (I’m going to guess NO for most). The only letters that actually ever get personal responses were those that need local help from a

eh, it isn’t that crazy for someone with IBS/other bowel diseases problem. My family has a lot of intestinal diseases, and often time the pain during a bad flare up has been described by the women as the same as child birth.

If we are just going to judge affairs based on photos, it looks like Rita Ora is also having an affair with Madonna.

“Kris Jenner slowly descended one side of the curving double staircase in her home in Hidden Hills, Calif., like some sort of grande dame, like Elizabeth Taylor in a White Diamonds commercial, only dressed head to toe in black” LMAO This starts out strong. Being likened to White Diamonds era Elizabeth Taylor is SUCH a

I find Liam SO much more attractive. I don’t get the Chris obsession at all.

So the joke is that the only choice is maxi dress? Or does Gawker really suck this much at impersonating Buzzfeed?

So basically dadbod is the new term for schlubby?

This is very accurate. And that is also the most attractive I ever found Christian Bale, and I have never really been into #dadbods before.

I have used this and a razor. The hair grows back the same, and I actually prefer the razor. It is quicker, no bad smell, no strays hair, my skin feels smoother and no risk of burns.

Nope, I have used razors and hair removal cream. My hair grows back the same and I actually feel like I get a much smoother finish from razor.

YAS. I feel very validated against all the people that argued forever that she ONLY LINES OUTSIDE HER LIPS. Like I am pretty sure she definitely does that sometimes, but she also CLEARLY has injections.

I hate washing dishes and have been lucky to mostly live in places that have dishwashers BUT even the best dishwashers, even on “pots and pan” mode, are still mediocre at washing pots and pans ime.

Yeah, I can’t really explain why they were trendy (they tended to be bigger earring so maybe something to do with the weight?), but it is something you see in a lot movie/films from 80s and earlier - women quickly taking off their clip on earring so the phone is more comfortable a la Joan in Mad Men.