
For real. i am realistically between a size 6-8 right now, but at JCrew I wear a size 4 pants (and my hips/butt are definitely more on the size 8 side) and they stretch so much they end up big. I always wonder where extremely petite women shop because of vanity sizing.

LOL I have had teachers get off topic and waste class time, but that is something else.

yup same experience here. My ex was 13" taller than and very well-endowed and sex worked the same as with anyone else except I could never be on top because it was too painful because of dick was just too big and must have hit my cervix or soemthing no matter how much we readjusted.

I want to believe they are really in love just to prove all the haters wrong, but at the same time I too kinda think it is more that he is in love with the idea of her and has never really loved any S/O because he is so self obsessed.

I have for some reason seen quite a few Amber Heard movies and she is completely forgettable and could be any other generic pretty blonde. Her c- list career/films so far definitely fit her talent.

That is my favorite. Because their are no other beautiful actresses that also serious actresses. Maybe those directors were just trying to spare her feelings.

Hollywood needs to stop trying to make Amber Heard happen as an actress She. is a very pretty blonde, but she has no charisma or talent as an actress imo. Margot Robbie has the same look, but really proved herself to be quite talented with what she brought to a pretty thankless role in Wolf of Wall Street.

Well this is more delusional than hypocritical, but I remember her saying how she chooses parts that are not just the stereotypical pretty female and/or sidekick role. I rolled my eyes hard at that.

I like Emily Bluntas an actress, but she isn't in a lot of movies so I think that probably has something to do with it. She is probably being less choosy since she is not offered that much, and is getting older in Hollywood. I am sure there was a nice paycheck that also enticed her.

Yeah that is what I use for normal days because the pink are their "regular." lol, I just wish they had a lighter than regular one like a lot of other tampon companies since I prefer ob. I have bad pms before and during my period though even w/ birth control so it balances out the perks of having some light days!

That is fairly rare though. If an actual injury occurred then a punishment more than simple school detention should be taken, but most food fights simply result in a messy cafeteria and dirty clothes.

I grew up in a middle class white area/HS. When I was a junior, the seniors planned a food fight during the last week of classes. The ~5 seniors that planned it couldn't walk at graduation, but that was the only disciplinary action taken.

OMG yes. They were so delicious. I don't think I had a tin that lasted longer than a day.

I see no-name supermarket brand versions of these all the time in basically every supermarket I go to in comically large containers.

Yeah, I was wondering why anyone would miss JF's beach spray when Bumble and Bumble exists.

Ultra is listened under products on their website so I would assume they are being made or at least will be back in production.

Counselors at boy/girl scout summer camps are paid. In my experience weekly meetings were usually run by someones parents in Girl Scouts, and that was a volunteer position as far as I know. The girl scout/boy scout counselors at camp is a hired salaried summer job, usually filled by college age kids.

It is very Audrey Hepburn in How to Steal a Million (costumes by Givenchy).

Kris Jenner and Jonathan look creepily alike.

I never said nearly free, but any sleep away camp I ever applied to/knew someone that worked at only made around 2000 for 10 weeks and being on the clock 24/7 (with one day off), certainly comes out below minimum wage. Being a camp counselor is a fun job for someone in their early 20s usually in college which is why