
Also, when I think of a “warrior” I think of someone actually engaging in physical combat. This man is seated and pressing a button. Also, all of those bullets raining down from this ridiculous death machine (which, I assume, cost money?) while he’s talking about “reigning in Washington spending?” Wat?


Yep, they think that ANY form of contraception = abortion.

Hi James. The premise and story behind Thanksgiving “traditions” taught to children in U.S. classrooms is a lie. Of course it exists, just in a way to reinforce systematic racism against American Indians and white-washing of actual events.

Also what is “professionally” anyway?

Exactly. I don’t understand how any self-respecting woman could vote for the GOP.

Frankly I prefer “Anti-Female” but that’s just me.

A++ for “Clumpy McCells”

I will say it forever: I love Michelle Obama so, so much. All of the grace, beauty, and fashion sense of Jackie O. combined with the political moxie, strength, and character of Eleanor Roosevelt. I wish we could have her back.

I think if Sanders was the official DNC candidate he could have stood a chance, especially because in some areas the margin between electoral votes was very slim. I think unfortunately some people just stayed home because Clinton was the candidate, thinking “whatever she’s going to win it anyway” who would have been

There is no where in the Quran that says “and ye shall blow up a concert.”

Yo, learn to read and process information. Stig did not mention religion at all.

I don’t think he really comprehends what he is even doing.

It’s quite the euphemism isn’t it?

Sanders told his supporters that if they supported him, they would do anything possible to stop Trump, which at the time was to vote Clinton. Writing in Sanders for the general election was idiotic not only because it was the opposite of what he said to do, but also because since he wasn’t the chosen candidate he had

The whole 45-administration schtick has been a thinly veiled eugenics plan that they managed to get a bunch of first-time, middle-aged, flyover country voters to sign up for, even though these policies stand to ruin their lives. It’s like the ultimate Darwin award.

I’m not wishing harm on his family.

He’s not worthy of that either. Cats are awesome.

A guy who devotes his life to pleasure hunting might not have been as grievous a loss to his family as y’all are trying to make it seem.

This is an actual photograph of me reading this article.