
There’s no question Wheeler would be worse. Pruitt has been such a disaster because he’s not really a smart guy (ask anyone who lives in Oklahoma) and was not at all prepared to swim in the DC shark tank. Wheeler’s politics are just as bad if not worse, but he’s a seasoned swamp thing and knows how the gears get

This has nothing to do with anything other than Trump is in the picture, but a friend texted this to me today and it was like a cool breeze through my soul.

Counterpoint: it was Vlad.

Donald probably dictated that himself and is proud of it, like one of his poorly crafted tweets.

I hate this guy. He is a menace and should be in jail.

It’s literally right there under her picture:

They do know that “banning” abortions will not stop them from happening, but will only force women to explore more dangerous options in the shadows, right?

Lol they love to hang on the one verse that was nothing more than God giving a peptalk to Jeremiah about him getting over his nervousness. (Jeremiah 1:5)

This is fucking offensive. Fuck you, Iowa.

In all my 48 years, I have never understood this country’s ridiculous obsession with abortion and telling women what they can and cannot do with their own bodies. Prostitution, Abortion...No, abortion is NOT in the Bible, no abortion is NOT more important than already living children and for all the crazy Catholics

Pooka shells also.

The husband of one of my closest friends wears chunky jewelry, though typically in silver tone rather than gold. It is heinous. He is very good to her, shockingly, but is generally a douche. If the chain fits, you must (not) acquit (of douche charges).

I’m just going to come out and say it: If you’re a man wearing a big-ass gold chain, the chances of you being a complete tool are high. Like, shockingly high.

“Prime Minister @AbeShinzo of Japan and myself this morning building an even deeper and better relationship while playing a quick round of golf at Trump International Golf Club”

Tangent, but someone pointed this out on my FB feed a week or two ago and it blew my mind, so I thought I’d share.

I do - mainly because all kids are assholes to all other kids and no one escapes puberty unscathed.

Shut up, Morrissey.

I feel like this is like the beginning of a poem.

 Ha ha, Wednesday TBD

Employment is up, Taxes are DOWN. Enjoy!