
I don’t buy that you need a credit card to get a good interest rate on a home mortgage. My wife and I had no credit card debt so our rating was a little on the low side, but we were putting 20% down and have two incomes and a pile of cash. Our mortgage broker was easily able to get us the best possible rate at the

Nobody goes broke giving Americans Type 2 diabetes.

Those beds are often in living quarters that violate local zoning ordinances and are often quite dangerous (no fire exit, no smoke alarms, etc...)

Courtroom Fortune Teller:

Unless they are from previous marriages and older, I am suspicious of anyone with more than two children.

At least the new breed of Burning Man attendees were able to helicopter out of the disaster with their model/prostitutes and private chefs!

Bad information on TikTok. Must be a day that ends in -y. 

When my friend gets convicted of multiple counts of rape based on the testimony of multiple victims, that friendship ends.

Asking for leniency for Masterson should be career-enders for Kutcher and Kunis.

Show me a “food rule” and I’ll show you a dozen delicious dishes that break it and I’ll tell you why the “food rule” never made sense or never really existed in the first place or wildly outdated.

It starts out strong, but the plot and the acting run out of cuteness and interest well before the end of the season.

Same goes for adult friends and dating/partners. 

GOP: Tropical Storm Hilary? Lock Her Up!

Find a company that rejects technology and I’ll show you a company that knows its bottom line will be impacted by that technology. 

The real equation is how productive employees are v. how likely they are to quit over job dissatisfaction.

Slightly better than the conditions on the typical cruise ship!

This is her best acting to date. 

Now mansplain mansplaining!

The problem is twofold: 1.) the people you want to see naked are never the people who are naked by the pool. 2.) the couple you want to swing is never the couple that you “bump into” at the bar at 1am. It’s always that freakishly fit and tan older couple that keep chatting you up.