
Just order a normal f’ing drink. Don’t be that guy.

Incest-themed musicals really haven’t gotten the attention from Broadway that they deserve.

“You get what you pay for...”


Why is organ donation voluntary? All terminal patients should have all usable organs harvested. 

Downloading your posts from Reddit before deleting your account is like taking a picture of your bowl movement before you flush.

If your API pricing is the DIRECT cause of end-user churn, you have really fucked up.

It’s all talk. Several cities have had a full ban on drive thrus until the developers started arm-twisting city councils. They are actually building new fast food restaurants with the drive-thru window knowing that they will eventually get their drive thru.

Your cooks were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn’t stop to think if they should...

Different is not the same as good. Many chefs get confused on this point. 

Are people really so desperate for friends that they’ll accept a horrible person as a friend and then rationalize it as a “frenemy”? Or are they the horrible person and just don’t realize it? Are they really the enemy looking for friends?

They need to usual “think of the children” BS. Cops and DAs love that garbage line. 

People that undertake high risk adventures like this should be required to sign a “Zero Rescue Effort” waiver and the company that provides the experience should either agree to fund ALL rescue costs and have funds set aside (or adequate insurance) or require their customers to agree to zero rescue efforts.

Over thirty people died yesterday off the coast of Spain yesterday. How many ships, helicopters, and aircraft were rushing to their rescue?

If Hamish Harding gets one last chance to communicate before dying, it will be to remove his son from his will. 

Will the new version also use an innocent man as her own personal non-consensual sex slave?

Comic books/movies have continuity and canon?

Resume searching and sorting has become completely automated. Nobody cares about your cover letter. Send the resume. It will be scored by a computer and shortlisted or it won’t.

Today, the answer is simple, “That is not me. It is a deepfake”.

Two weeks?