
For a company with well over 1,000,0000 employees, layoffs of 10,000 would hardly be considered “mass”.

Friendship is best enjoyed without much analysis. If you have to think about the friendship, find another friend. 

What if a 15yo wants to perform in a drag show?

Now children have something worse than school shootings to worry about...

Why was the video taken down for copyright when it clearly meets one or more fair use exceptions?

Lambasting diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts”

Location: Remote” in the job posting would probably be worth something too. 

I am a knowledge worker, not a child laborer in a sneaker factory in China.

Malt liquor is alcohol like masturbating is sex. 

returned to their normal selves faster”

How does he justify “Air”?

That episode was horrible filler. Plot was nonsensical. Lizzo and Jack Black chewing scenery? The endless chase of the robot? If it was the first episode you saw, you wouldn’t watch the show.

Some of them aren’t even alcohol. They are malt liquor.

Assume that everything an employer tells you is a lie:

They ROYALTY of pastries. No need to gender it. 

It’s hard to believe that a lifetime ban on promoting or having a financial interest in entertainment events wasn’t part of his plea agreement.

There is plenty of IP ignorance on BOTH sides of this lawsuit.

I don’t see a trademark/copymark on his sign and he was really late to the copyright filing. Definitely after the image was widely in use. I think this falls under the requirement that someone claiming copyright has to have actively protected the copywritten work.

There is impropriety and then there is the APPEARANCE of impropriety. There are certain esteemed professions (professors, doctors, supreme court justices) that should avoid BOTH.

DeSantis also made it possible for anyone to carry a concealed weapon in Florida without a concealed carry permit and with no training.