
Should I get the free vaccine that was tested and used safely by millions of people globally and is readily accessible at my local drugstore or should I take three month supply of my dog’s Heartguard?

$1M in undeclared income as a lobbyist should be grounds for removal from office and criminal prosecution, not a slap on the wrist and filing of an "amended" disclosure. 

How long are healthy, vaccinated people going to let anti-vaxxers cause problems for them and their communities before specific action is taken?

My two hotel hacks:

First, you should always be looking for your next job. Employers offer no job security today. You could be made redundant at any time, so you need to always be working on that next move.

I dated a Playboy model and minor TV celebrity. They key was that I treated her like a normal human being. I treated her the same way I would have treated anyone I had ever dated. She loved that it made her feel normal and appreciated as a person. She was continually fawned over by guys that were completely

Now the GOP is blaming the GOP?

Neegan, the character whose acting is only slightly worse than the horrible writing of the character is front and center? A character so bad that he directly contributed to my household stop watching the show.

Red tide killed my sex life last week. Fishy. 

That line-up looks remarkably uninteresting. Is that just because it is summer or does Paramount really have that little content?

I feel like Evil is at its best in a more episodic nature than having a single evil arc like Leland Townsend. Having a single arc with a single evil character reveals the weakness of the concept. I’m hoping that the Leland Townsend character isn't going to dominate all season otherwise, I don't see myself sticking

The fact that Subway has not responded to this with the results of their routine and regular DNA testing of the fish that they buy BEFORE it is processed speaks volumes.

A company in an industry that is famous for sudden upturns and downturns that is unable to handle sudden upturns and downturns.

I'm glad that Federal funds were used to protect those shareholders. 

And one of these nutjobs will win the seat. 

Due to parallel construction, we’ll never know if this ban, if enacted, is actually followed by any agency. Parallel construction was already being used by the manufacturer along with the DEA, LEO, and other intelligence agencies until some slip-ups revealed the truth.

Those look like rejects from the McRib manufacturing line. 

Buy it for the land and the liquor license. The restaurant itself has zero value. It's more dive bar than restaurant. 

I imagine that I am a sniper and I'm sighting in on the things or people that were a problem during my day. I'm usually sound asleep before I get to the 2nd or 3rd person.

When it snows, you shovel the path to the grill THEN the sidewalk.

Other symptoms are: Calling yourself an “influencer”, claiming that you “have a YouTube channel”, or thinking that the number of "followers" you have is a relevant measure of your worth.