
Don’t sign non-compete unless you are getting something to justify it. It limits your career/job options, so you deserve to get paid for signing one.

Different than a NDA.

Unless you are a Republican. Then you are probably not vaccinated and not wearing a mask.

It will be interesting to see how Republicans respond when they are the only ones dying or being hospitalized by the new round of variants that will be more devestating and also more transmissable. 

Pinky swear. No backsies. 

IANAL, but I don’t think that saying that you'll stop committing crimes absolves you from the crimes you’ve already committed.

Commit crime

The idiot's thinking man. 

I wonder what his sponsors think? Or is it just Mr. Pillow?

Needs as yet unreleased software to get full functionality?

Salt Bae should be "cut for time" in reality.

Where’s the coke or meth? No decent Florida Senator tries to get an under-aged teen to cross state lines for sex without some coke or meth.

She spews a lot of stupidity but I find the fire Fauci hashtag particularly offensive.

I’ll take “things an unaware racist says” for $500...

Isn't the standard "an idiot in a hurry" which is a wonderful description of Trump supporters and they all believed it. 

Knowing that Trump never puts his own money into anything, how exactly is this going to be funded? Are “investors” willing to throw millions of dollars into an obvious dumpster fire? And who would be willing to take a real job (not a no show scam title) knowing that a.) it will fail b.) when it fails you'll get

These stories have nothing to do with Covid or Tinder. Certain people are always victims of scams. The time and method are irrelevant.

Healthcare costs $50/month for unlimited usage?

Her weight was never the real problem...

Those are some very well developed teens, if you know what I mean...

In professional wrestling, the management is crooked and the fighting is faked. In UFC, the management is crooked, but the fighting is real.

Yeah, you don’t want your daughter to have her key, early sexual experiences in a used Jetta, right?