Redbrick Hellpigeon

It helped no one.

I think they should have let the peacock on because... Well, it took balls to bring it along in the first place. Also, Rule of Cool. I just draw the line at porcupines.

Home Improvement always struck me as half an hour of a right wing, white man feeling sorry for himself.

That reporter was a ‘she’, and really deserves to be named and shamed.

What’s disturbing about the QuiverFull Moment is how it reduces people - one’s own children - to objects, means to an end. You don’t give birth because the baby is an end in him or herself, but because you’re reducing human reproduction to volume production and ideology.

They are paid to do a job they are simply not doing. Your fallacious attempts at an argument does not excuse this either.

TLJ feels like an attempt at feminism by someone who’s never actually met a woman.

Now playing

I could have sworn blind that it was indeed LeVar Burton. And yes, it’s confirmed by multiple sources, including IMDB, that it’s him.

Arguably, the new Star Wars is the first Marmite movie.

Despite what Mommy, movies and video games told you, you aren’t the sole protagonist of a heroic tale; you’re often the antagonist, or an unremarkable side note.

There’s still something missing here:

“So this is how a fandom dies - with thunderous division...”

It’s darker and grubbier than that. Let me give you an example - when I was 10, a gang of much larger, stronger girls attacked me without provocation. I tried to defend myself but got beaten up. Then it was me who ended up in trouble, because one girl went crying to her mother afterwards after I managed to punch her

You miss the point.

Apropos of nothing, didn’t Allison Williams do a great job as a total monster? As poor old Chris was throttling Rose at the end (I’m being serious here - watch the film and you’ll see why), I was willing him to make sure she was DEAD, because she was such a terrifyingly ruthless, relentless fiend.

The Princess Michael and her husband are veritable bottom feeders. They only stick around because the main branch of the Royal Family feels a bit sentimental about them. The truth is, even by aristocratic standards, they’re fucking useless and something of a liability.

that fundamentally upends the logic of the entire series.

Somewhere, out there, a Star Wars fan is leafing through a copy of Norman Dixon’s On The Psychology Of Military Incompetence with great interest.

I wonder what his response to Dark Souls would be like...

It’s very easy for anyone to become one of the Pod People...