Redbrick Hellpigeon

Presumably, this means militaries across the world only recruit people who need to be told which end of the rifle fires bullets.

Presumably they don’t get off your lawn either.

The biggest bullshit argument I’ve heard is the whole, “it teaches teamwork.”

If you’re going to talk shite, at least support it with some peer-reviewed research, not a link to a news site and an appeal to anecdote.

“It’s OK to be White” is just more of the same passive aggressive co-opting of victimhood that racists often engage in. Being white is neither ‘OK’ nor ‘bad’ nor anything else - it just is. But it becomes a problem when it becomes the cornerstone of your identity, and how you treat other people.

It’s cold comfort to realise that the stupidity of these people may be the one thing stopping them in their tracks.

You seem hellbent on taking offence; here, let me write a retrospective on garden gnomes so you can accuse me of discriminating against tall people without beards.

Some context:

Far-right scumbags like Britain First are like just about every other public body, media outlet and political party in the UK - none of them gave a shit about those poor girls until it was time to make hay with the toxic racial politics that hang around the old industrial north like the smell of rotting meat.

Nah, you’ll get a load of Russian trolls who don’t know the difference between US and UK English, plus an orcish hoard of semi-literate morons called ‘Infidel_Cusader1066' or ‘England4Life’, with shaved heads, morbid obesity and bad Millwall tattoos. They will own a Staffordshire Pit Bull called ‘Tyson’ and live in

This could be easily subverted by the young girl being possessed by the soul of a right old miserable git who acts, thinks and talks HIS age. So, in essence, he’s too busy moaning about the noise next door, how expensive everything is, why music is crap these days, and how young policemen look these days, to indulge

I once got drunk in Swansea; it was a fun experience.

Oh, so you like bananas too? Let us don our monkey costumes and begin the mutual delousing.

I’m not sure if you’re quasi-literate, or even more off-topic than I am.

If it helps, consider it bricolage, and deconstruct yourself accordingly.

The mother sounds like a right bitch, and I am always troubled by the large number of films, mainstream and indy, that in the end always give abusive family relationships the benefit of the doubt. Imagine the flack if we gave sex abuse or wife batterers the same leeway. Many a scriptwriter, it seems, has a Joan

And there I was, hoping ‘Deathbastard’ and ‘Techno-Badger’ would catch on at some point. Ho-hum.

Ahem - Sausage Roll Christ wins the argument:

Like, um, y’all don’t have permission to be laughing at any of this! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!