THAT’S what makes him such a great superhero. That’s why he was able to put together such an incredible plan to take out the Justice League, if the time ever came.
THAT’S what makes him such a great superhero. That’s why he was able to put together such an incredible plan to take out the Justice League, if the time ever came.
Despite what Mommy, movies and video games told you, you aren’t the sole protagonist of a heroic tale; you’re often the antagonist, or an unremarkable side note.
There’s still something missing here:
“So this is how a fandom dies - with thunderous division...”
It’s darker and grubbier than that. Let me give you an example - when I was 10, a gang of much larger, stronger girls attacked me without provocation. I tried to defend myself but got beaten up. Then it was me who ended up in trouble, because one girl went crying to her mother afterwards after I managed to punch her…
It is an overwrought, hammy and self-satisfied show, typified by Who 63 gawping in a mirror and going ‘oh, brilliant!’ in the best smug git traditions.
You miss the point.
Apropos of nothing, didn’t Allison Williams do a great job as a total monster? As poor old Chris was throttling Rose at the end (I’m being serious here - watch the film and you’ll see why), I was willing him to make sure she was DEAD, because she was such a terrifyingly ruthless, relentless fiend.
Well, one could argue that one’s next bout of torrential diarrhea will in fact turn out well, and nothing but gems and chocolate coins wrapped in real gold foil will come out... But the odds are it will be a shower of noxious shit because that is what torrential diarrhea will tend towards.
Exterminate the messenger much?
I’d mention the perils of groupthink and the Emperor’s New Clothes at this point, but I do not like to mix my metaphors.
The debate is incredibly murky - both sides of the debate have those with ideological axes to grind.
There will always be people who think every episode of Who is the best ever.
The Princess Michael and her husband are veritable bottom feeders. They only stick around because the main branch of the Royal Family feels a bit sentimental about them. The truth is, even by aristocratic standards, they’re fucking useless and something of a liability.
Why do I get this feeling the special will be a festive log of another variety?
And it had the best and only Starfire you ever need.
No mention of the brutal intra-familial bloodbath in the wake of a certain Star Wars film? It’s like the Old Who/Nu Who debate, but even more vicious, and with light sabres.
While most of us just assumed the shirtless scene was included to fuel epic amounts of fanfic (like they needed any help in that area), The Last Jedi co-sound supervisor Ren Klyce tried to convince HuffPost there’s a legitimate reason for it.
The problem with iconoclasm is that it ends up replacing one dogma with another in the long run. It also raises one question - if you don’t like Star Wars as is, why bother in the first place?
By not telling him, Holdo was asserting her leadership.