Redbrick Hellpigeon

Don’t get me started on Peter Jackson. The last time I saw such bloat, it was washed up on a beach and exploded a week later.

As is often the case, the first cut in the cinemas is usually the best; certainly, the most streamlined and well-edited. Extended/director’s cuts are mainly there to stoke a filmmaker’s ego.

that fundamentally upends the logic of the entire series.

Somewhere, out there, a Star Wars fan is leafing through a copy of Norman Dixon’s On The Psychology Of Military Incompetence with great interest.

I wonder what his response to Dark Souls would be like...

It’s very easy for anyone to become one of the Pod People...

“Wise in the ways of the cop-out, you shall be!”

Presumably, this means militaries across the world only recruit people who need to be told which end of the rifle fires bullets.

Stephen Moffatt is a hack, self-delusional bullshitter and superficial media slug of the highest (lowest?) order.

Presumably they don’t get off your lawn either.

It’s almost as if you feel entitled to avoid consequences for your actions.

It’s in the public interest that the Fire Service (“Fire Department” is more a US thing) makes its views clear on this matter.

Like a lot of UK public services, the West Midlands Fire Service has had its budget slashed severely by the Tory government. Despite this, it does its best to provide an excellent service and save people’s lives.

The biggest bullshit argument I’ve heard is the whole, “it teaches teamwork.”

Callister sounds a lot like Callisto, named after the nymph who was seduced (under false pretenses) by the ever-randy Zeus. Might this foreshadow the episode somewhat?

If you’re going to talk shite, at least support it with some peer-reviewed research, not a link to a news site and an appeal to anecdote.

This is Doctor Who’s Brexit, its Trump election. It’s not sexist to say this is a bad idea - even RTD and Moffat didn’t dare mess with the basic formula. It’s on par with Man of Steel - as opposed to Ghostbusters 2016 - but any discussion is shut down with claims of misogyny. What it does represent is the final

“It’s OK to be White” is just more of the same passive aggressive co-opting of victimhood that racists often engage in. Being white is neither ‘OK’ nor ‘bad’ nor anything else - it just is. But it becomes a problem when it becomes the cornerstone of your identity, and how you treat other people.

The DoJ just wants to listen to the album, and can’t afford Bill Murray to steal it for them.