Redbrick Hellpigeon

“Badgers - is Meles meles better than Taxidea taxus?”

A lot of men I know have been able to do that to themselves for free...

Princeton Ponce, or whatever his name is (I can’t be arsed to scroll up and fact-chec), is proof absolute that some people will never listen, and will always find an excuse to move the goalposts.

“Some of my best friends...” etc. etc. etc.

Why does one need to be in total agreement with something in order to like it?

So you’re ok with kids consuming media that glorifies violence against women? Don’t you think that misogyny is regressive?

Sessions said the word “compassion” many times but it was clear that such “compassion” is simply not reserved for the nearly 800,000 people who will, after the “wind down” period overseen by Homeland Security, likely face deportation to countries they have little affiliation with.

The issues you raise combined with the fact that they are selling a messed-up 14 year old as a sexualised commodity are not unrelated. It’s a deep, deep rot; a depravity that seeps into many layers.


Teenagers are old enough to know better too.

Apropos of nothing, doesn’t this policeman sound like a massive wimp?

Give the little shit a clip around the ear. (Metaphorically speaking, of course.)

Men seldom have these conversations. Masculinity’s approach to being disliked comes in the form of the old Millwall FC chant - “We are Millwall / No-one likes us / we don’t care...”

If you wouldn’t take it off a stranger on the street, why take it from someone just because you share a few strands of DNA?

A modest proposal - why don’t all the New York-based news sites take on at least one jilted NY Times copy editor? Maybe the Web is the best place to preserve this vital art cum science. Newspapers certainly aren’t, not any more.

Before you know it, everyone is breaking from stress and your Jester is a nymphomaniac

If you can’t be trusted to work with lasers, radioactive or biologically hazardous materials, or be able to pass the mental and physical health requirements to fly a jumbo jet, you shouldn’t be allowed a gun.

Now playing

Why do I always get a certain vibe when I read articles like this?

Sorry to be that arsehole/sub-editor.

Trump Supporters Threaten to Hang Congressman(,) Who Called for President’s Impeachment(,) ‘From a Fucking Tree’