In an interview with The Washington Post, she described that when she insisted to the surgeon that she couldn’t wait that long, he began to yell at her.
In an interview with The Washington Post, she described that when she insisted to the surgeon that she couldn’t wait that long, he began to yell at her.
Poetic justice would, surely, have been to shove a packet of Fig Newtons up her arse.
It’s like a panorama of scum.
As Aristotle said, treat equals as equals and treat the unequal as unequal - in other words, stop assuming equality is there when it’s not, and be prepared to mitigate in its absence.
It is a macro phenomenon. The problem is, people are a bit dim and can’t think beyond their own (highly partial) personal perspectives. The Bigger Picture, however, is always revealing.
And once they’re finished with illegal immigrants, what do you think they’ll do with all that infrastructure and staff? It won’t go away - it might well turn up some day at your door too.
Right, and this is relevant because....?
“Go ahead,” she wrote.“It’s why we have trump. And I will not allow this country to be told what to do by foreigners.”
I always do lifting before cardio simply because I don’t want to ooze over the weights... Oh well, ahead of the curve. (And still more popular with my fellow gym goers.)
Rina Takeda would make a great Sister Of Battle - you can imagine her karate-kicking Ghazghkull into next week.
Lucy, a redhead, who can easily pass for white...
He has the blithe look of someone who’s never been punched in his life ever.
AKA, ‘Brexit: The Game.’
“Show Your Friends What It Means To Be Part Of Sonic.”
When in a hole...
The two women involved in he case were “thrilled” with the outcome, but not so much Michael. He plans to appeal the decision.
He is dressed as Lynx-O, the joint coolest Thundercat (alongside Panthro). Ergo, he can do no wrong.
Also, the only man since Andrew Eldritch to look good in a mullet.
Julia Hartley-Brewer is as thick as pig-shit and about as charismatic too.