I will continue buying tools off craigslist to support the local economy (and not because you can never have enough tools). Also, the economy has been about to crash for 7 years.
I will continue buying tools off craigslist to support the local economy (and not because you can never have enough tools). Also, the economy has been about to crash for 7 years.
I’m 50 y.o. and understand this reference. Where did my life go astray?
Use VAR to catch floppers. Take a dive in the box = red card, dive anywhere else = yellow card. Get diving out of the game.
Peco Foods had three plants raided. It’s a”Family Owned” company. Look at their board of directors and who they donate to ... Republicans. Shocker! (not)
I’ll bet Farmer’s Insurance hasn’t seen that before.
He should have trolled everyone by doing an even worse throw the second time and then challenging people to do better. There would be thousands of former jocks posting videos of their “awesome” arms.
Those of us who are sophisticated (grew up watching pro wrestling) recognize this for the stupid shtick that it is. He’s the Iron Sheik, Roddy Piper, etc. A great heal makes it more fun to watch.
Agreed. The news will catch someone after a mass killing for an interview and play it relentlessly for ratings. The poor sap covered with blood gets nothing, but bad memories every time they show it.
NSX also uses relic technology
Writer’s write, editor’s edit. This is a union shop and the editor’s guild would be all over him if he did his own corrections.
Soooo ugly
Or you could invest in nothing and still spend 1 million per year for 50 years.
If he thought it was that unsafe he should have crushed it. I wonder if he told the buyer how bad it was.
Prediction: Lawyers will get about $30 million. Owners will get voucher for $2000 towards purchase of new Ford product
I find it odd that Jalopnik professes to dislike this drink and yet they continue to give it free exposure.
I want a little electric scooter, so I can just keep it plugged in and not worry about the gas going bad.
Does it have a blue light bar on top or big shark teeth in the grill?
It’s legal to pass on the right in DC, Maryland , and Virginia. http://dcrules.elaws.us/dcmr/18-2202 https://law.justia.com/codes/maryland/2010/transportation/title-21/subtitle-3/21-304/ https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title46.2/chapter8/section46.2-841/