Truancy Park

Eric Bishton poses a question, but it's rhetorical at best; the band knows what they are doing.

The index in the back is super useful b/c your guests can brush up on chuckles specific to certain subgenres of the heroin chuckle while they patiently await the cheese platter

Feel like this article had rich enough material without having to revisit that ol' heroin chestnut

The Ray Donovan crossover is gonna be cray-zay

I was so pumped to recognize that choice screenie from C-Quest mid scroll

If at first you don't succeed in resisting this, Internet, I do not believe you are trying very hard

That first photo, and honestly also the second, reminds me that Bono supposedly records all his vocals on Shure's Legendary Inexpensive Starter Mic, the SM58, which you would buy for the purpose of recording vocals if you were pretty sure you were going to give up on your dream as soon as you realized how hard it was;

Bless you; I clicked on the article thinking a B- was batshit insane, but hey, they gave the same grade to Pretty Hate Machine, so maybe there's just an edgy guideline in play re: the remastered editions of straight up classics

There's a retroactive air of tragedy to the moment when Howard walks by the War Machine suit and says something like: "next time, baby." Little did he know…

Since we're coining arrhythmic D.O.A. nonsense labels for the greater good of illustrating Label Danger, we should refer to the quotey things around the word "mid-reputable" as "cringe marks".

Mantra for struggling shows there: two series and a Christmas special

There were saltier days. In 2004, he would shut down conversations by saying things like "sorry, my voice coach tells me I can't talk to fans at concerts anymore", before taking an enormous drag off a cigarette

NOPE his concerts were just a room full of unsupervised infants wobbling around and toppling over, dizzy from the juice bar

Beer for breakfast; who's gonna scold?

When the freaky lookin' baby from Homeland and the freaky lookin' baby from Friday Night Lights grow up, I hope their eyes find each other across a crowded support group.

There's still time!

Really enjoyed this write-up and the last one. Disagree about the episode being boring or structurally forced, though, and I think it's a little too presumptuous to act like we can chalk up Carrie's motivations to hitherto unexpressed spy feelings for Aayan. She's not, like, running us through inner voice exposition


Gotta say, the thematic organization of Geocities "neighborhoods" was a great way to find weird, specific content in the days before you could trust a search engine with even the most trivial tasks.

2014 is practically a coin toss; we got some great Answers, we saw some great Doodles… And these titans of industry have 2 weeks left to pull out all the stops. Anyone still on the fence is in for a treat.