Truancy Park

The entire piece is more than worth a read, especially if you’re still hanging on as a fan of either Kozelek or his music.

It’s fair to go ahead and say, without exception, it has been used as the final song of the final show of every single college radio DJ in the history of the universe. It doesn’t matter if you had a show and you swear your last song was Chemical Brothers’ “Setting Sun”—no, it wasn’t. It was this song.

Yeah, I believe that. ESO hasn't even launched on consoles yet— next week, I think?— and 360/PS3 copies of Skyrim constituted the majority of that game's sales. Parent company Zenimax isn't going to want to dilute the marketplace.

Plus there was a game with a caveman, which I recall fondly.

Nirvana just looks like Kurt got addicted to soda pop instead of the other stuff

Agreed but a college sophomore would acknowledge the existence of Joy Division— albeit gracelessly— instead of chewing on a pencil and arriving at the eureka moment of how to finally use that darn Patsy Cline reference they've been mulling over for a dog's age

Yeah I mean that sounds like a lark of a fucking staycation except that you're stuck on that throne until the apocalypse OR until you can convince another human being to spend money on a prog rock hologram; whichever comes first

Chasing Andy

Bejar's gotten a lot better about not hating to play live. Back in 2007, when he was presumably blackmailed into giving Destroyer interviews, he'd say things like: "yeah, I hate to play live. If I could get away with releasing music and never playing live, I would. And someday, I will."

Saw them about a month ago in Northampton, during their big American tour that you guys held off on reporting so you could be fresh for this article; I had no idea that Bejar was gonna be there, so I completely lost my shit. Like 7 or 8 stone cold DB classics in that set. Great performance.

Hang in There, Internet!

Devil's advocate: I am unsurprised by the exclusion of Sanford and Son. It's rad that you know which season the episode is from, though. Box set?

I only recognized Marge Simpson (cutting her off at the hair was a bold creative judgment call), David Brent (who looks like he's biting his lip while masturbating at his desk; I suppose someone has to make erotic UK Office fan art), and at first I thought the guy in the lower left might have been Jay Sherman (a long

Woah. Everyone in that header image looks like they're starring in an animated commercial for an anti-depressant. Just gazing out the kitchen window at the rain, because they've never heard of Cymbalta.

Bob's friend ate Pete's mom.

This movie was directed by an entire fucking town from Fallout 3, which you could blow up at the end of a quest if you wanted to.

Keepin' it classy, all the way to Christmas

Alternate tagline: Miranda July's The First Bad Man is the first novel that the A.V. Club has reviewed in 2015.

That URL is a search engine jackpot.