Truancy Park

I appreciate how every gamer's conceptualization of a hipster talks like a rich sitcom grandma.

Kingdom of Kroz?

This is not the first comment that anyone wants for their show, or for their review of a show, because it suggests a sort of black hole of audience awareness, but I clicked on the tiny photo because it looked like there might actually be a show where Better Off Ted and the Car Czar's Apprentice stare at each other and

At least we won't be the people lying to their flock about having all the Answers

I don't know who's young these days, and I don't know if anyone's old enough to play Mother Abigail; I don't think that's a big Movie Concern, though. I'd take Paul Dano as Harold and C.C.H. Pounder as Abigail in a pinch. I hadn't actually thought about Chris Pratt before, but him and Jordan are inspired choices. Not

This would be awesome. Nice write-up, too. Solid overview for anyone who might've come in without knowledge of the book.

I like the idea of it being an ongoing thing, because I couldn't get on board with the pace at which season 1 accelerated and resolved riiiight at the end. It'll be cool to see a mystery in that setting— and ideally with the most of the remaining characters— that doesn't have that obligation to wrap everything up all

Oh man, I remember that. I don't think I ever followed more than one or two reality shows, but that had an eerie charm for the reasons you described. The guy seemed like a nightmare, and also, his food just looked like something you'd be OK eating in a strip mall if your dry cleaning wasn't ready yet. I think he got

I dunno; it makes sense to me that the detective would continue his unsolved murder investigation. The perspective shift was a little jarring, perhaps, but I think this episode had a lot of medium-abrasive tonal shifts from the status quo of the series, such that it made sense to pop another uncomfortable structure

I'm impressed that you know that + the other Early Fork facts below, and I'll reciprocate by paraphrasing some behind the scenes Middle Fork shit; it's a quote that comes to mind often:

To be fair, Stephen King has already created a precedent for stuffing more content into Stephen King projects.

You know what? It feels good just to get some closure on this.

Good reference. My main squeeze this year has been Elder Scrolls Online, and about 75% of the time, I have it set to the most bare-ass minimum graphics setting; ostensibly, this decision is to keep my framerate up for the game's extremely baller but technologically excruciating PvP region. The side effect of the

Does he even want that popsicle?

Exactly! And it's a situation where it wouldn't surprise me if Entertainment Tonight or whatever thought that Suits was the reference to drop here, but I'd figure that a site with a more refined focus would at least mention Rectify — if not underline Spencer's casting as a very good reason to get excited for this

Good thing she saw Clue for the first time at the camps down by the banks of the Mississippi Riverrrr

Still haven't seen anything from that series, but to be honest, I heard that her performance there was a little lacking in nuance. Nothing wrong with chewing the scenery every now and again, of course. I'm sure she had a blast.

Just a quick heads' up that there's actually another ongoing show from which fans of contemplative and nuanced dramas would recognize Abigail Spencer by the time we remembered which popup ad Suits was supposed to be.

Television's The Millers assumed otherwise, and it paid the ultimate price.

What the heck? Well… Huh. Cool.