Truancy Park

I also appreciate how that show gave Eric Andre the chance to play the straight man.

I got a cosplay notification for this?

I appreciate you not acting like we should be jumping up and down on our beds in excitement over the Dawson's Creek thing.

Still less ridiculous than Sara's squished-up contortion suit. My mom would text me all the time to complain about that: I am really not enjoying Sara's tits, was the gist.

Ey Chicago! Why the long face, huh? Your Boss is not bad! Free and early, so compare to most theaters. Come in while they're Horrible, and watch the whole thing!

I don't watch a lot of, uh, recorded live performances, but I watched 2009's Live in London and I bet I'll pick this one up too. I mean, I bought a Leonard Cohen mug when I saw him in concert in Dublin's sister city: Wallingford, Connecticut. The mug says "Cup of Longing" on it, and there is also a bird. It is the

NOT to be confused with Joel Cohen, co-writer of the first two CGI / live action Garfield motion pictures.

Charles Bronson, Stuck Inside of: Mobile Buyers Club

I Would Prefer Not To

I do not believe ADHD is the proper simile for this quiet show that is dripping with tension.

I really appreciate how he's able to zag between atmospheric flourishes and details that are almost too precise to mean anything, but make the song at large feel completely authentic and lived-in, like we're just popping in at the middle of something that will carry on without us around.

Other than the two excellent picks from todbrowning, I'd say:

I second your "Going to" choices!

I would love to watch a small documentary detailing the trials and tribulations of that man's creative process. Getting called in to his supervisor's office to explain the "Lines That Rhyme With 'Terok Nor'" doc file someone found on his work computer, running laps in a Bajor civilian hoodie to burn off the stray

Probbo been mentioned already, but I appreciate how the episode title is a reference to a different Ryan Gosling movie, one which Louise most likely didn't even catch a trailer for.

Listen. We're your audience. We would know who "Aidan Gillen" was, if you used his name in the subject line, because no one with a heart pumping blood is gonna skip past the opening credits on The Wire.

I tried to post my screencaps of that episode when this article was posted, but my comment was marked as "awaiting moderation", and then it was deemed unfit for publication.

I tried to post my screencaps of that show when this article was posted, but it was marked as "awaiting moderation", and then deemed unfit for publication.

Here are some bonus fun related Jeopardy screencaps I took back in the Spring:

Ahh, this makes me really happy. Whenever something like Battleship hit theaters, I'd say something to myself like well, at least Taylor Kitsch is getting a paycheck. After a while, you worry that the guy will resign himself to whatever fate is suggested by a movie based on a game that children no longer enjoy.