Truancy Park

Absolutely! I think it makes for a good, weird, once in a while reference. Last time I brought it up out loud was in regard to Colin Farrell and Vince Vaughn being cast in True Detective; something about how we can't know if that's bad casting because the show hasn't aired yet, we're not Kyle Chandler in Early Edition,

Great Job, Colorado!

Ah, boy. I'm just so tired of all these Star Wars.

You Won't Believe These Epic Farewell Fails

An actor, who we can presume has played a character before, but probably never in space.

In addition to being, like, a funny comment and an extremely legit reference, this made me realize that 1) Joss Whedon is probably a big admirer of Ozu's immaculate staging and sense of place-within-tha-frame, 2) I only know who Ozu is because of a Film Studies class I took at Whedon's alma mater, and 3) I hope there

Cool as hell! I felt like it had more possibilities to offer — whether just in that setting & with some of the same characters, or continuing on after the ending — and while I think the last two episodes were diminished by the accelerated pace / last minute twists, those episodes' problems seemed intrinsically tied to

Well, I don't think they grade these episodes based on the number of, like, inconsequential plotholes. I do not believe you would actually enjoy an exposition-driven scene explaining the steps that Laurel took to figure out which floor of the skyscraper had the most action happening, and whether or not she took the

The part of the Tommeo that I really liked was the moment when he became so exasperated with his dad that he yelled at him to "go back to banging your pilates instructor!" or whatever, like Malcolm Merlyn is just a bratty MILF

I hadn't heard anything about this show, but I clicked because I glanced at the photo and thought NO WAY DID THIS THING FEATURE BOTH OF THE SCIENTIST PALS FROM BETTER OFF TED

Also, Nikola Tesla in Christopher Nolan's The Prestige, a movie that I found fascinating and tedious, often concurrently! Anyway, feel free to slip in a clever Bowie reference the next time that people nearby engage in a heated argument about hybrid cars.

That's the third or fourth reference to Pacey that I've seen in the site's coverage of this show, but I feel like you're misgauging your audience by harping on it so much. The last Dawson's Creek review snagged 40 comments (down from the premiere's 360), and the Fringe finale drummed up around 1400. If you want to

No more agency related retcons until Landgraf catches up on Homeland and is like ugh, that's the last fucking time I let myself feel sorry for Carrie. Picks up a phone, kills a full season's worth of inexplicable bathtub jokes

Felicity would be so pissed off: upstaged again. Sara wheeling around, explaining all the Hacking Classes she got to take in Assassin East Asia. Oliver trying to convince Felicity that checking the mail is a real important job that he cannot entrust to anyone else. Touching her shoulder a lil bit while he praises her

There must, surely, be a slinky 50s greaser ballad with a refrain that goes something like Ohhh be careful whaaat you wiiiish foooor, because that is what we hear as the camera pans away from the hillside road leading into town, and the title logo fades. The viewer is not in love with the new theme music, exactly, but

Telly Savalas, being a class act as well as the genuine article, is too polite to point out that he was quoting something.

I'm watching this for the first time a few months after this review and comment were posted, and I completely agree with you! There's such a big difference between something that's kept a secret to certain characters, and something that's intended to be a secret to the entire audience.

I Guess I'm Still a Little Confused About This "Internship" You Keep Talking About, Internet

There's a phenomenon in human memory called "proactive interference", which refers to situations wherein previously existing information prevents you from learning or retaining new information.

Good point about Peter and the mortgage; I think it was wise of him to turn her down on the basis of that move being a political rake-in-the-face, but he was definitely being a liiiiittle theatrical with that comment. This isn't Alicia Florrick and the Very First Favor, geez.