Truancy Park

Same first name as my favorite fella from the West Wing, same last name as a badass old lady with a robot hand who sat at the head of a sketchy research & development corporation. Can't complain.

Newt Deltoid? Check and see if you might have been named after a 1940s sci-fi radio serial instead.

It's not like you watch The Internship or Bad Date Darrell or whatever and think to yourself: geez, this movie could have been great, why'd they have to go and cast Vince Vaughn in it? I mean, are you hooked on the plot synopses of these films until you spot Vaughn in the credits? He's a dude who gets paid a lot to be

"Give me characters! I can believe it." — the USA Network's slogan, in Japan.

Good opening line.

Agreed! I watched Season 2 of Damages recently, and he had an ostensibly dramatic part in that, so maybe he was just wary of falling into the post-SNL wacky comedy trap.

Tim & Eric - Sports

This was a pretty good list! Not sure if anyone has brought it up, but Darnielle references "Play it As it Lays" (or at least just sings a slight modification of the title) on a track called "Alphonse Mambo", from The Coroner's Gambit.

Thrilled to see a reference to Superman Vs. Muhammad Ali. I have a copy of that book! Got it when I was maybe 11 years old, in whatever condition is considered mint's opposite. A family friend was unloading a bunch of stuff from his childhood; bless him.

In lieu of a crossover they should just half-assedly swipe villains who are generally considered to be more of a Hellblazer thing, but whatever, finder's keepers I guess, and then we all remember to watch Arrow, the show that is awesome and can do whatever it wants

That might be a leech! Justin Timberlake took her swamp camping, to help her prep for the audition. It turns out the power duo didn't know that season 2 is going to feature a brand new locale, so they had to hike out to Wolf Canyon (CA) after she got a callback from the Trudy people. Justin's been trying to

Yeah, I second that. I have a gig as a book reviewer, and some legitimately terrible stuff has shown up at my door, but in my mind Rant is the only fuckin' contender for the title.

Awesome. I tried to rewatch the show a couple years back, but didn't get far. Acts of God were in play.

Can't wait for her to play a ghost in that, and say "puppy" a bunch.

I respectfully suggest that this show is not so much like watching someone play Civilization 5 in general, but perhaps what you're getting at is that it's like you have never played the game, but you're checking in with that guy playing Civ, sporadically, every 20 turns or so — at which point, he'll say something like

Catching up before season 3. I really liked the scene where Laurel admits her feelings of guilt to Pappy, but only because of the way he shakes his head at her in response; it's like he can't believe how bad she is at crying.

That's a new character I'm working on. The guy who is preemptively passionate about NBC's "Bad Judge".


Alta la Vista, baby. The website that doesn't pay you anything.

That sweet little comic is the only detail I remember about whatever that DVD was supposed to be!