
You know it’s possible to say things and not remember saying them because you grew up your entire life being able to say those things without repercussions or thinking about how your words/actions impact others. This is commonly known as privilege.

Tsk, tsk. I want all the distraught straight men to know that many of us find penises beautiful to look at. Unfortunately for them, most of us are gay men. But I want them to know, if they’re sick of having their beautiful penises disrespected and laughed at, we’re waiting with open...arms.

My first thought when I heard about the shooting was “country music festival...there must have been more than one good guy with a gun there to protect himself.”

Pamela must have made a stop in Colorado to get some of those delicious Let’s Potato Chips. Definitely a buy!!!!

I wasn’t aware of that, so I read her wiki. The “Personal Life” section is hilariously short and sweet:

It’s Alzheimer’s. His dad had it, Donald almost certainly has it right now, it’s Ronald Reagan all over again, except this time he doesn’t have a competent team guiding him.


I agree with all of that! I thought that taken as a whole, Fiennes’ is the more successful iteration. It is a master class in adaptation. Granted, Hiddleston’s wasn’t an adaptation, but still. Fiennes grasped every nuance of the character and really did make him a protagonist that gives you nothing but conflicted

If you’d like my thoughts, I enjoyed the film version more. Both were good, but Fiennes worked more for me because he was freakish. His arrogance and inability to understand other humans and his relationship with his mother all made him a real misfit. Plus his characteristics in the first half understandably

I just went from angry to hungry, so I suppose that’s an improvement...

I took another look and holy shit, that is the guy who most recently played a police psychologist on L&O: SVU. He looks even better now.

Asians don’t rasin.

He really is. I just looked up a recent picture of him and I would not believe for a second that he’s... 57?!

My friend A-A-ron is always saying this.

Minogue is the only Kylie. That is all.

Chris Hemsworth is both the best Chris and the best Hemsworth.

Hamburgers are sandwiches, hotdogs are tacos. Fight me.

Not sure about “beat-up.” The one thing she’s always had was a new Corvette. She currently has a new model (C7) (I see her once every couple of weeks):

This is gospel, all of it.

planning to expand the country’s economy... into tourism