
You can’t out mean girl the Kardashians.

Here’s the issue with that particular position: Taylor has been doing the public shaming and stoning of other people for her entire career. Everyone from her childhood best friend, former love interests, to other pop stars have been fodder for her unending campaign of Poor Me. Let’s not forget that the Greatest Crime

Clinton’s announcement was unsurprisingly smooth

I don’t blame her. Most jury boxes don’t allow you to stand with one leg in front of the other, slightly raised. You have to sit, and then nobody can look at your butt.

Only 3/5ths visible. Makes sense.

Wait, are we talking about the pro-homeopathy, pro-Brexit, anti-vaxxer Jill Stein running as the Green party candidate?

My husband and I danced to Black or White by Michael Jackson, we’re interracial, and the guests in attendance seemed to be in on the joke, they all joined us on the dance floor.

I actually didn’t do a first dance at all, much to my mother’s dismay, as dancing in front of people is like a waking nightmare for me. I also didn’t do a bouquet toss, garter thing, or parent dances. Everyone pretty much just got wasted and had fun and the photographers had a hard time not making it look like my

Early and often. Armageddon is one of my favorite movies.


Back in the late 80's I was backpacking across Europe with a friend and we ended up in Ireland on July 4th. Some minor city, like Kilarny or Mallow.. Don’t remember.. but we decided that since it was the 4th and we were 19 we would go to the pub and have a drink before hitchhiking to Dublin. We found a back-ass pub

I think it’s like one tiny place in America (near Boston maybe?) where the accent hasn’t changed so much, if you listen to readings of Shakespeare with an approximation of the accent at the time it sort of sounds like someone from the westcountry trying to do an American accent

Sure, but for every posh London accent of tv and film (and presumably real life) you’ve got the gargled Manchester utterances of a Gallagher brother.

Oh dear lord! So was Vanessa Paradis holding him together and now he’s unravelling, or what is going on here?

Oh FFS. Sanders was not polling with any kind of real support at the time this stuff was written. It’s not unfair to support a strong front runner to try to make sure a Dem gets the nod. You know what Sanders supporters? HRC was also favored early on in 2007/8. You know what, a black man named Barack Hussein Obama

Semper Cri

Here’s your friendly reminder that the House is only in session 111 days this year. After this week, lawmakers return to their districts until after July 4. They will be in session again until 7/15, and that will be the last chance until September to enact meaningful legislation.

Looks like Obama’s lack of fucks is spreading, although given the mess the GOP seems to be in right now it seems to be a good time to make a statement.

It’s 1,4,2,3