
Just a quick point from a literature major: can you not treat Gone with the Wind the film and Gone with the Wind the novel as the same thing? There is a lot of difference in the book and the film and using the two interchangeably shows a glaring lack of knowledge of the subject matter.

Oh, a river rat! It's funny, growing up in Louisiana I thought they were all that big, so when I moved to Boston for college and saw a city-sized rat I thought it was a mouse cause it was so small. And y'all, mice are itty-bitty! I have found cockroaches, slugs and lizards in my Louisiana kitchen that could take any

I'm an ultragay, also known as a trans person, and I can say with authority that everything said here is absolutely true.

Like sanctions. But with your vagina.

I agree with you, but I don't know that that's the whole story; many strippers say they feel a sense of empowerment and validation from stripping. I've never been a stripper but I have been a waitress, and I have never once even felt the slightest empowerment or validation in that job.

Oh man, the second chance to post this today!

Tell him, "You'll be dead soon, so I'm practicing living without you," and watch your show.

Which I get, but alternatively I think where the problem is arising now is that with the way society and technology move (at a much faster rate than before) the difference in each generation is becomign wider and wider and it might be time then to revisit how we define a generation.


Everybody knows that if you put too many women together in one place they will all congregate in the public areas together, including—but not limited to—the bathrooms, where ladies do their dark magic. At best this situation leads to longer toilet queues and at worst, terrorism.

This baby is hilarious and adorable.

A few months after the death of a baby my husband and I very much wanted, I found out that a friend had had an abortion. She was terrified to tell me because she thought that I would hate her for killing her child (her words) when I couldn't have mine. Her sister used me as an example of why abortion is evil. I was

I like this font better. Also she looks and sounds exactly like herself. There were only one or two shots when her hair was up on top of her head where I saw a slight evocation of Grace. Otherwise it was just Nicole Kidman. I'm a bit surprised actually I would have thought they could create much more of a resemblance

Plus, it's got what plants crave.

Regrets, I've had a few