
That usually works but once I blacked out an address and labeled the envelope as "Return to Sender" and the received it again a week and a half later. The post office had torn it open to check the address.

I was hoping for a Kid n' Play type of House Party.

I"ll come on, ride the train of this idea with you.

Damn, now I want some chocolate chip cookies.

The photographs remind me of Kip Fulbeck's the hapa project.

My BF is a quarter Chinese red-head (the rest is various Western and Northern European). He calls himself a quapa.

Must be pudding cuz

Now can they tell us what do tigers dream of, when they take a little tiger snooze?

I would prefer one of these.

My intro to Pern was the Harper Hall trilogy. I still reread them every few years.

My god yes. I f'loved Cimorene and Kazul.

Yeah, it was an awesome gift (though the shipping from NZ for Christmas wasn't so awesome). My BF picked up the plush by NativeZ who sponsors various conservation projects.

I think Kakapos are very cuddly. My bf got me a plush one since I loved sirocco in that snagged by a rare parrot video.

I loved this game and the fact that you could shoot and blow up almost anything in the game.

This just reminded me of a comment I read last year on odd-testicled folk.

When I was in college we used to play this during improv warm-ups in my theatre group.

Try this maybe. Copy and take out the parentheses.


How's this?