
Fyi, Kinja will have newest first, it's just not implemented yet.

Fyi, Kinja will have newest first, it's just not implemented yet.

It's amazing how often common sense escapes web designers.

It's amazing how often common sense escapes web designers.

Is there really not going to be a newest first sorting option?

Is there really not going to be a newest first sorting option?

'member the Spring Breakers wars?

I backed up my following list just in case.

Anyone else unable to login with your AVC account? I get the feeling AVC accounts are going to be eliminated. Sad!

I miss serifs so much.

Damn. This is more plausible than anyone realizes.

Also catfishing?

Also it got lost in the news, but Trump appointed Jerry Falwell Jr. to lead a higher education reform taskforce.

Anytime you encounter someone who downplays Bannon's fascist/white supremacist credentials or claims his approach at Breitbart was purely about profit-seeking, point them to this:…

There's more?


How do you spell Cittizins?

Up to ~2005
Conan O'Brien (bring Conan back!)
Vince Carter (bring athletic genius back!)
A few hip hoppers