Trough of Luxury

When people talk to you about things, they usually expect feedback. When you say "isn't that cute?" And I say no, It's not because I'm in charge of your life. It's because you shared an opinion about something in your life with me and asked for feedback and I gave it to you. Your response to this is literally so

Can a person love "foreign" foods and also be racist? Of course. However, not liking "foreign" foods leads me to suspect a few things which can be confirmed or refuted by getting to know the person. They might be xenophobic (extremely related to racism). They might not have an appreciation or respect for cultures

I'm intrigued by the reactions to this article. I totally agree with the posters who say it's a matter of priorities, not taste in food so much. Obviously if you are a foodie and it's a very important part of your life, it's not going to work (or be very difficult) to be with someone whose diet is extremely limited.

At my office earlier this week, a woman microwaved one of those flimsy blue plastic containers of mushrooms you get at the grocery store. The blue plastic melted into a flat shape, which she first showed off to someone, calling it a "plate." When the other person intimated that it was probably not safe to eat, she

Yes, exactly. It's a maturity issue. I have plenty of foods I don't care for, but I'll try them if someone cooks them a certain way - I don't rule them out because I *don't like these kinds of things.* You can't hate every single vegetable because they are all so damn different.

I agree with all of this. If you really think about food in relationships its crazy how much it influences things. I was just thinking about how I love trying new restaurants and how some Sundays my boyfriend and I will drive somewhere that is 45 minutes away just to try it because we heard something good about it

Nope. Sorry. I could not get past someone eating only kid foods. Its one thing to not like something but to limit your options to places you would take your kid cousin would not fly with me. I think being an adult picky eater also shows an unwillingness to adapt to change and its a pretty clear indicator that you're

She's amazing. I want her to have her own show on Food Network. :D

A man had a crush on Debbie Harry. How is this a scoop???

You know what Mark? You are way too nice for your own good. I have seen you on several occasions responding to mouth breathers who literally aren't even worthy of acknowledgement. I've even seen you respond to pedantic punctuation nazis. I just wish you would pull a Global Beet and tell them to go fuck themselves. If

Turnabout is fair play, so...

Why didn't Broadway report it to the police immediately?

The more shame you show around gym bunnies the more power you give their physique in our culture. take your shirt off! wear a speedo! strut that beach!

im a gay, with an average body. I use it for sports and mobility, i even go to the gym. I have no want to spent hours a day there to look like some gym bunny. I am not a bear, an otter, a twink or really any body type that the gays can name. If its hot, I take my shirt off, I wear ridiculously short shorts (i play

"...but this is the US where illness is a bad choice made by the patient."

Hollywood actresses: We need more movies about women and PoC.

Yeah, this is the reason MRA's complain about women having their "bitch shields" up. Rather be a bitch than a dead woman.

This. This is why I will forever be proud to be a bitch/cunt/whore or whatever else these dudes mutter under their breath as they walk away from me because polite no's are no longer enough for them, they need to be told the fuck off.

Chipotle Presents, Diddler on the Roof