Trough of Luxury

Maybe we ought overhaul our entire classification system? Maybe the number is not the important bit but the specific sexes we are attracted to. Is it better to have a more complicated but also more comprehensive/accurate system?

The act alone is marvelous, but the "Boom!" put a huge grin on my face. Fantastic!

You bring up an excellent point. I think the reason the working poor are brought up so often is because the GOP trope is that anybody on welfare is a lazy sponge who sits at home collecting checks for children or getting drunk/high. They never bring up the working poor, the poor who are trying to get a job, the poor

This is vile.

Fine. You didn't get it. It didn't connect with you. There's nothing wrong with that. You certainly are entitled to not particularly like it, then shrug and move on. More power to you.

Yeah, I find it difficult to believe that Clooney even has the time or inclination to HATE-WATCH "The Five".

Mr. Lahey appreciates the extended metaphor. :)

Imagine if people tried to "empathize" with you by askin you a bunch of questions that they want answers to but you don't want to answer.

I blame feminism for that, since males haven't been running things for centuries and still don't.

First, I speak for myself and myself only, and never said otherwise. Funny how when a feminist speaks, a good way to shame her into silence is by claiming she's "speaking for" millions of people so she should shut up. Males are told the same thing all the time, no? Of course.

It's unfortunate that men of color so often see the goal as gaining access to the white patriarchy rather than dismantling it.

It's also really irrelevant. Anecdote time! None of the trans people I know have ever cared about whether someone hasn't had a surgical procedure or not. Myself included. The whole post-op/pre-op thing is really much more of an older generational thing. Same with the usage of transsexual (or transvestite, but the

Insert getting pussy joke here.

there would still be a problem, just a different one. Instead of a rapist, he's a psychotic liar who thinks being a rapist would make him a big man. Pretty much as douchey as you can get without being an actual rapist.

Lemme tell you, a shit storm is coming. A mighty big one at that. How do I know? Well, it's my trick e-knee. I can feel it in my bones, I tell you, and I reckon it'll be one of the largest of the day.

Yeah, but all men are angry. White males in the US are crazy angry. Asian men in China and Japan are angry, there is no white racism to emasculate and to make them feel inferior there. Males have been angry since the beginning of time. They're all nuts.

My arm was suuuuper tired from making jack off motions at this white lady who can't drop her hipster cultural consumption long enough to not be a racist piece of shit to the people she claims to support, but, look at that, I found just enough energy to respond to your dumb trolling. *wank wank*

Right? They may finally have found something that'll get a rise out of Clooney. We know how he feels about right-wing assholes.