Trough of Luxury

Don't sprain your elbow patting yourself on the back for tone policing. That's a real risk.

I almost always get goosebumps during that rap. SO powerful!

I'd like to note that to state that I said cell phones are a necessity is to take that sentence out of context. I was particularly saying that cell phones are a necessity for economically underprivileged people. Many people in this thread are bragging that they can achieve all of the functionality of a cell phone

It sounds like cell phones are an optional item for you because you have, by your own admission, ready access to the following items:

This woman is amazingly talented AND extremely likable. My gran would have called her 'a pistol'.

The Real Catholics must be having a grand old time hanging out with The Real Communists, The Real Feminists, and The Real Muslims on some other planet, since nothing less than an entire duplicate Earth would be big enough to contain all the people who "don't speak for" organizations they belong to as soon as they say

Yeah, the same church that would prefer women die rather than have an abortion? The same church that worries about the 'personhood' of fetii but couldn't care less about that of women?

I'm sorry, but resigning in the face of criticism or scandal is not a brave or moral action.

Considering that your parish provides at least some financial support for the sorts of crimes they "can't control," yes, you should be giving them the finger. Integrity isn't found in refusing to surrender things that are

Whatever you tell yourself is fine, I don't really care either way. I'm just telling you "emotionally hard" is a lot different than "packing up your life and relocating to a different country." Don't compare living in the US with being a Catholic in terms of displeasure with the institutions.

No, the dumb ones have just figured out they can say whatever they want and they have a fucking platform on the internet. They wouldn't be heard normally, and of course, the reason we see more of them is because college-educated feminists are spreading the videos as a pick-me-up/laugh/rage inducer. There aren't more,

It's a big reason I ditched the church.

Yes, because organizations that move sexual predators beyond the reach of the law and grant them continued access to children should be ashamed. The people who support such organizations should be ashamed.

If someone still gives monetary donations (is that part of what you consider being an "active Catholic?" most Catholics I know do) to an organization that has a long and storied history of using that money to hide and facilitate rape and appears to have no serious intention to stop doing so, that person is

I like to hope that this is the dying throes of sexism. It's gotten much better, but it'll get worse briefly as those with a vested interest in the status quo proceed to FREAK OUT at their new loss of control over 50% of the population who isn't standing for it anymore.

I didn't say that the church was responsible for this website.

I don't care what the church's position is regarding women. I know their position regarding child rapists. That's enough. As a result, the entire institution, from leaders down to members like this fellow above, aren't fit to comment on the topic of

We are! I can't wait to join the creepy ass church of super creep. Sounds like a plan! (This was sarcasm, not all men are getting worse, it's just the really stupid ones now have a platform, the internet, where their stupid views can be heard and hopefully condemned by all)

I actually don't think that they are, or at least I hope they aren't. My brother and father are religious (Greek Orthodox and Muslim, respectively) and they've never even come close to saying anything even 1/100th as insulting and backwards as what this guy said.

The alumni never overrules the chapter. These girls just did not want to make the tough decision.

Which is understandable, but it's nothing that garners sympathy for their situation. Neither does that excuse their unethical behavior (of remaining in the sorority).

This, then, is a measure of one's commitment to equality as opposed to their merely wishing things could be different.