I'm guessing you could inflame the mucous membranes in the sinuses and throat to the point that it becomes difficult to breathe? You'd certainly feel like you're dying...
I'm guessing you could inflame the mucous membranes in the sinuses and throat to the point that it becomes difficult to breathe? You'd certainly feel like you're dying...
This is repulsive and awesome in equal measure. What is it with gross people and clipping their nails — my friend's first roommate would just clip his nails in the front room and not pick them up AT ALL. If only we'd had your inspiration ;)
Wait, the cashier doesn't dap you and play a little air-horn blast every time you buy condoms? They don't light up the "This Guy Has Sex" sign that hangs above the door for you?
Yeah, this is important — fuck Bill Donohue, sure, but fuck CNN and everyone else harder for booking this guy and making us listen to him. There's incredible political variance within the clergy itself, there are dozens of qualified clerical commentators who can offer varying Catholic perspectives on issues, and yet…
To be fair, things other than pure excrement occasionally come out of a cloaca.
This is a serious issue that must be addressed post-haste. //shoves giant pile of empty Heath wrappers into closet//
I'd just say that while the likelihood of something awful happening are indeed quite low, cosmetic issues like skin bridges and adhesion are fairly common. (Don't google these at work, btw.)
I'm sure he's been REALLY pushing laws that outlaw the worshipping of graven idols in Indiana, given his laser-sharp focus on defending Biblical doctrine.
It was originally #NoProofIJustReallyFeelStronglyAboutThis, but #Truth is a few characters shorter.
I'm very uncomfortable with this too. It may be politically expedient, but the "born this way" American homonormative narrative is worrisome, and these attempts to root homosexuality in the body in some essentialist way bolster that narrative.
No group is a monolith. There are absolutely queer folk who look at Macklemore, shrug, and move on. That's fine, I'm not here to police what their reaction to something is. They're not "wrong," (because your emotions are yours alone) but they're also already well represented. Macklemore won a fucking Grammy…
A-fucking-men. Anyone who says they're an ally of an oppressed group and then seeks to minimize the opinions, words and reactions of that oppressed group is not. an. ally.
It's really perplexing how people will declare themselves "fans" but then decry editorial or narrative or production choices like this. I wonder if it's just that the internet and gaming and interactive media have become so commonplace that audiences feel like they're "entitled" to some input into otherwise passive…
I swear, both Sherlock and Supernatural have got to be approaching like Qur'an / Bible levels of textual reinterpretation and obsession at this point.
Spike Jonze owes you 5 bucks, because you're totally sold me on seeing a film I'd planned on avoiding.
I can agree there's utility in that! And I think this is a great way to accomplish that (in the comments — it's not the author's responsibility to "consider the menz" but there's plenty of space for that consideration, and anything else, here in the comments). So I think we're on the same page.
I think your points are well-made, and hit on points that others are making elsewhere, but I don't see the article as indicting men for feeling this way; it's indicting men who blame women for "making" them feel this way. I do think that the way that this hypothesis connects with the cited article is muddy, perhaps,…
"Put your best foot forward" and "be yourself" aren't mutually exclusive pieces of advice. None of his advice encourages people to lie about themselves.
Your points are well made, especially that it's important not to elide the experience of victims by presenting all prisoners as unfairly maligned or unjustly imprisoned. The fact that victim's rights are also regularly ignored and violated makes the conversation especially fraught. Of course, the idea that victims'…