Pho is liquid gold. In the summer months I switch over to bun, which is almost as delicious.
Pho is liquid gold. In the summer months I switch over to bun, which is almost as delicious.
Yes. This is the real issue. Nobody cares what another person's likes or dislikes are until they make a big deal about it by expecting to be accommodated when eating out. It's nice when a restaurant can accommodate a special menu, but should never be expected.
Oh god, and when they phrase it like that you know that it's a whooooooole heap of different problems all mixed together.
I assume this is Big G's not-so-subtle push to get everyone to switch to barely-functional Hangouts?
One of my best friends is a first-generation immigrant who works in a restaurant serving her home country's cuisine. She has mentioned to me on many occasions that she finds Americans to be overly picky about food and that even adults ask to have things prepared without vital ingredients in them or in ways that…
100% same. Sometimes the rap outro on Q.U.E.E.N. stops me dead because I'm so struck by how amazing she is. So much respect for this amazing woman.
No — but like all demographics, we're being polarized by the social and media climate of the US, and that means that you see more "bad" (in this sense, un/anti-feminist) men.
Thank you! I'm realizing that "the alumnae objections overruled" means "they would've pulled funding and we can't have that!"
Somehow I'm not surprised that Hannah Rosin doesn't grasp the basics of intersectionality.
While I understand what you're referring to about historically black (and other minority) fraternities/sororities, I'd point out that by their charter those are not exclusively black/minority and they do accept white members. At least I know Alpha Phi Alpha does, and they're pretty huge.
This article is supremely confusing if you've never had a frat/sorority experience personally. Are the Greek houses not subject to the bylaws and requirements of the college itself? Why is racial profiling allowed in a college-affiliated group? Why on earth does an alum's opinion override the actual current…
People who voluntarily leave their own blood/vomit/excreta/other biological waste for others to clean up are the most disgusting people.
Given that she's pretty even-keeled throughout the rest of the letter, I have a feeling that the lamp is either A. a heirloom or B. part of a bedroom set that can't be bought on its own easily. But yeah, that really stood out.
For real — at a $40k asking price I'm certain that the landlord had some money tucked aside to cover incidental damages. She does seem particular about her things and about cleanliness, so she'd probably have had the place cleaned after a rental anyway. But a renter would expect to have the carpets steamed and to…
That pissed the former 20-something in me off something fierce. I had my fair share of drunken shenanigans too, but we somehow managed to completely ruining the fucking house.
I also wouldn't be surprised if her $40k asking price also included a fair cushion for cleaning, restoration, etc. after the rental to bring the place in line with the owner's preferences. A renter does expect some damage, but not blood-soaked mattresses and a houseful of broken shit.
I know, right? I lived in rentals (and had some pretty serious parties in them) all through my twenties and managed to clean up after myself like a freaking adult. I don't doubt that the landlord expected some clean-up, but no matter how young your renters are you don't expect a bedroom looking like a hooker got…
One thing that comes to mind is that if these are older men who came up in the '60s and '70s, then the afro and dreads may still be linked to Afrocentric countercultural movements in their minds. I totally agree with you that, especially for this demographic, social "legitimacy" involves rejecting anything that…
Oh, goodness - I'm at work and cannot watch the video. Is the school representative also a black woman?
I love how the only banned hairstyle that isn't explicitly linked to a black cultural tradition is — explicitly linked to a Native American cultural tradition. Cute. Why do we never hear about a school banning the Bieber Swoosh? The Rachel?