Trough of Luxury

One might say, it's.... Divine.

My inner ad executive weeps for the wasted brand synergy.

You can engage with sarcasm, it’s hard with the abortion issue, but you have to... Unfortunately we have to, because this is the generation that we’ve been dealt.

I've never seen any of their products around but that all sounds quite good — I'll pick it up if I find any of it. I love botanical colas like Fentiman's (and LOVE dry ginger beer), liqueurs like Frangelico and Pernod, and the like so it sounds right up my alley! With the patchwork of liquor distribution laws, it's

Yes! 100% agreed. Also, perfect drink choice — Hendricks is superb in a gimlet or a rickey and I get a little sad inside when I see it mixed with anything too sweet.

The Coppola winery stuff is such a disappointment, because it's not good enough to be worth mentioning but it's not nearly bad enough to denigrate as Boone's Farm tier Wino fuel. It'd be much more entertaining if Nic Cage provided tasting notes.

So, so accurate. I think Florida's got a friend in the judges' booth to keep robbing AZ year after year. Also — UT? TX? MS? There's plenty of ignominy to go around, but maybe it's a lack of alternate snappy Bugs Bunny GIFs that keeps Florida in the limelight.

Given that Hendricks' is already far and away the world's best gin, I think an endorsement from Ms. Hendricks is the only way to improve upon it.

Yeah... some Facebook friend has named their child that and I wince every single time something comes up. Something about extraneous letters that don't change pronunciation — I remember when the Jayson Blair case was a big topic and every time I saw that "y" hanging out in there I wanted to tweeze it out.

I can't answer for the OP and I'm as far from a pro-lifer as possible, but the objection from pro-choice persons is generally not that lifers say "You got pregnant because you had sex," the problem is with them saying "and now you're stuck with it." Your other comments argue for safe, effective and affordable BC and

I don't think we'd all agree that, actually. Part of informed decision-making is the acceptance that there is a possibility of unintended outcomes. By taking an action we are accepting the possibly unwanted outcome. If I invest in a particular fund, I am not intending to obligate myself to lose money, but I will

Point well made. There's certainly a more even-keeled choice between "Fuck off!" and "here, let me indulge you!" I think RuthSlayderGinsburg had a snappy comeback in "I don't teach feminist kindergarten."

That's exactly what it is. Ugh.

Oh my god, that's AMAZING! I've always wanted to do a small room in some sort of typographical or literary wall treatment and that sounds amazing. Romance novels usually have pretty colorful covers so I'd imagine it's quite the sight!

It's interesting how broadly interpreted her distinction and group is here — I and a lot of others read it as pretty explicit in enunciating "derail trolls" as a very specific group of question-askers who ask very specific questions in very specific ways. That's the group being told to shove off. I thought she made

Dogs are wonderful. Fabulous, gorgeous creatures. So are cats. They are also not human. Far be it from me to tell someone NOT to include their beloved pet in their ceremony, and that's not my intention, but please understand you're doing it for yourself. If it makes you happy to have your dog in your wedding, or

OK, the hydra-bird-flipping Queen has me in stitches. This is going in the archive!

Definitely the appropriate response.

As someone funnier than I succinctly stated a few articles back, "Evolutionary psychology is modern-day phrenology."

Fair! I think the "he must be fucking with me" option also arises, though, and for me it arises a lot faster than "he's cheating on me!" I've also never found out I'm being cheated on... so there's that.