Trust me, you're missing absolutely nothing. It's the most overly wraught, maudlin schlock ever to escape the black-hole gravity of the Lifetime Network.
Trust me, you're missing absolutely nothing. It's the most overly wraught, maudlin schlock ever to escape the black-hole gravity of the Lifetime Network.
He writes blog post length things every once in awhile for Woot and they're generally funny, so I think the book should be fun!
It took me a LONG time to get over my first-blush negative reaction to "weird brainy Mormon guy" Ken Jennings, but his Twitter is brilliant 90% of the time. He's certainly got the brains for the host gig, but I don't know if he has the natural charisma for it.
You're absolutely right — I'd never thought of that before! I wonder how much of that is deliberate. Thinking back, they do subvert a lot of the gender tropes — the agent who feels torn about spending too much time away from family is a man, female agents have temporarily/permanently left the show because they're…
You won't get any argument from me; it's objectively pretty awful. The scenarios are SO contrived and 50% of the episodes end with their computer "hacker" pulling some CSI-level-implausible computer magic to Deus Ex Machina their way out of a narrative corner. And yet I end up watching all the way through. It's a…
It's crazy because all the stuff that I would roll my eyes at in a CSI or L&O spinoff plays out the exact same way on Criminal Minds and I giggle and clap. I guess the fact that the entire cast is jaw-dropping gorgeous doesn't hurt...
Is delicious lady-writer goodness the reason I find it so difficult to turn off Criminal Minds when I stumble across it?
Ray is one of the best characters, gay or straight, ever. Also: the gay assassins, and the whole honeypot ep in general, struck a fantastic balance between gay humor and gay panic humor, was non-stop hilarious, and put Thomas Lennon back on my TV for a shining, glorious moment. There is no end to my love for Archer.
Yes, definitely. Seeing that character totally flipped my understanding of representation in media. I never felt particularly bothered by a lack of gay characters, but the strong positive reaction I had to FINALLY seeing a gay character who reminds me of my life was surprising.
I understand your point. I follow Media Matters for America and support their goals but getting an e-mail every 10 minutes about "can you believe the inanity this FoxBot just spouted!" gets old. I do LOVE that Limbaugh is down to like Cash-4-Gold and LifeLock as his only paid advertisers though...
On the other hand, Color of Change and Stop Rush have been able to whittle away at his advertiser base for the past 2 years by doing exactly this — rebroadcasting his nastiness to observers outside of his little swamphole. There IS a positive effect at work here. But if you're already on board, yes, it is preaching…
I dunno. I mean it's icky and oversharing, like everything autobiographical on the internet, but I didn't get much of an exhibitionistic streak in there... He talk a lot about the thrill of buying and trying on the clothes but not much about being seen in the clothes. I don't think there's a big third party element…
A friend had a significant amount of henna decoration done for her wedding and it was uh. maze. balls. I loved it. I wish the general reaction to henna was a little less "lulz hippies, fake tattoo" in general because you can do some rad stuff that you wouldn't necessarily want permanently.
Yes. I didn't want to jump on the Doug-bashing bandwagon... but yes.
It's pretty funny that the headline contradicts THE PIECE ITSELF, which draws the exact conclusion you did. Almost as if it's clickbait for MRAs to come in and have a conniption...?
I find most anything Wes Anderson does to be exceptionally alienating and forced. Considering that alienation and outsiderdom are big topics of his I suppose this is on purpose, but Rushmore and Royal Tennenbaums especially left me feeling quite cold and without any character to care about or root for.
Sheila E. is/should be the trump card to damn near anything. I strut around the house singing Glamorous Life like it was an Olympic EVENT whenever that song comes on Pandora.
Gaw-durn-it, I just saw they've borked Kotaku over to the unusable Jalopnik/Deadspin/io9 format. Does anyone know when they're going to kill Jez and Gawker? I want to say my goodbyes before we're torn apart :-o
I've had the same experience but here's where it's different — every onsen (and public pool) I went to had a sign explaining BEFORE YOU PAY that tattoos are not allowed. Margaret Cho is every bit as American as she is Korean, the business is in America, and the expectation remains that if you start picking on…