Trough of Luxury

No, I'm not speaking in any sexual terms — I think the way that Kotaku presents Japan as a cultural curio cabinet by focusing on the most niche and questionably relevant (but preferably salacious or "weird") trends is offputting, and Ashcraft is usually on the byline of those. To me, it's equivalent to a Japanese

Even a goat would look at the line "I got the moves like Jagger," shake it's head and go "naaa-aaah man, that's just awful."

And when I saw him on SNL I was ~sure~ he had square pupils...

Adam Levine ISN'T a screaming goat!?

As someone who regularly plays video games and totally quit reading Kotaku (actually not over the commentariat, but Brian Ashcraft's gross-ass Orientalist fetishism) — good luck and godspeed, sir.

Yeah, it can get really tiresome, ESPECIALLY if you're writing the whole post thinking "I bet this is a troll, but just in case..." but I totally agree. If I give an even-keeled response to a troll who's just looking to rustle some jimmies, eh. No big loss. If it hits someone who's receptive to it then awesome.



As you point out, I'm sure that numbers and representation are definitely a big part. But there are absolutely social clubs that throw party events — that's why I mentioned the GSA specifically, since our group did throw social events open to the general public.

"All men are like that" is certainly bad, but "our patriarchal society" doesn't necessarily implicate men as being willing enforcers / participants. Patriarchal society is really bad for men, too!

So, as a man, Jezebel is a huge window for me into hearing womens' voices on topics that I otherwise would have absolutely no access to. A lot of times I'll read a conversation between two other posters and have one a moment of clarity where their narrative really helps me understand something I haven't (and probably

But why do frats and sororities bring more attention to themselves in this negative way than other student groups? The only comparable group I can think of is some College Republican groups, which Gawker jumps right on. I assume they'd do the same if a Gay-Straight Alliance, or a College Business Leaders, or some

Well, I'd start by saying that I'm not too concerned with what you say in your private life — but if you're calling those people out in a public setting I don't think gender has to enter the equation at all. They are both equally well described by "disingenuous piece of shit" or something. It's like using the word

Yeah, I threw the "American man" in there because it's so culturally specific.

I personally still find "bitch" more disturbing because of its ubiquity and general social acceptance. When an American man uses c—- as a gendered insult, it's so obviously inappropriate and transgressive that it reminds me of a kid acting out — there's no context in which it comes off as anything BUT purposely

I'm with you — "pussy" just feels all icky with the plosive and the sibilance. I also can't do "titty," but at least there's a WEALTH of other substitutes for those.

Hehehe, absolutely understand. Every time I have to go after our UPS driver uses the facility, I wish I was using the ladies' room :P

I loved their Bush and Star Trek videos when they posted as DJO — but holy shit the Bush ones were chock FULL of 9/11 Truther references. I dunno if it was a comedy angle or what. Not that the political nutbaggery of Internet funnymen matters in the least, it just stood out like a sore thumb in otherwise goofy

Every place is different, but my experience from working various restaurant and retail jobs was that the women's restrooms were ALWAYS worse to clean.

Nothing is being set in stone here, the child's expression of their feelings on gender are being respected by the parents and disrespected by the school. What is the reasoning that we need to "peg things down" that she's a boy?