
I’m starting to hope this way is actually better. All of the Republican primary candidates were racist, misogynist nightmares, but they didn’t all have “tremendous” closets full of skeletons.

Lol, then we would have Cruz as President.

Me every time I look at the news now: “OH FOR FUCKS SAKE WHAT NOW?”

This is what I find the most appalling. That after everything that has come to light about Trump, the droves of people willing to vote for him. Sure, there are morally indefensible people in the world, I get that. But the idea that a reprobate of this magnitude can garner over a third of this country’s voters? It

I didn’t say that. The woman’s a liar, extremely unattractive, lots of problems because of her looks.

At a baseball game? That’s sacrilege!

I think this could be bigger than just Trump. We are coming out of the shadows, processing what happened to us, speaking up, and standing together.

as the son of a father and the brother of a brother, i couldnt agree more.

I think it’s kind of disturbing that we’re talking about the women instead of their male relatives. 

I mean we also have the shithead MRAs arguing that rape should be legal on private property (because they don’t seem to be aware that women can own property in this day and age, including their own bodies).

I think the more traction that gains the worse it is for him.

It makes me fear for my rights and safety as a woman. No election has ever done that.

I honestly think he never gave a second thought to any of this before now, because he never considered that there was a possibility that these women might not have liked it before now.

#Repealthe19th, ladies and gentlemen. That’s where we’re at now. This election season has gone so far below the bottom of the barrel, so quickly, that it has punctured a hole in space-time. It now dwells in a dimension that lacks even the concept of barrels.

I hope. But the way things are going...

Groping for.

This LAZBOY is just a tremendous chair, really, I have one and I have the best chairs, the most respected chairs. We’re having an affair.

No but it’s the one he deserved.

“I’ll take you out for steaks” is only second to “I’ll take you out for furniture”.

I take this extremely seriously and I feel so heartbroken for this reporter.