
Yeah, I was cheerleading, dancing, and swimming all through the year. I didn’t have time to sit around and be an asshole.

Interesting. It even worked on my chapped nose. Spread that crap right over my nostrils. Fixed the next day. But I have darker skin for a white person and can tolerate a lot. Maybe that’s it?

This surprises me. This stuff works miracles on chapped lips.

There’s a book called “Krakatoa” everyone should read. It’s incredible. When that sucker erupted, the sound was so loud that if it happened in modern-day NY, people living across the country in LA could’ve heard it.

He’s just a scared little man whose world views are quickly becoming outdated, and he knows it. And why is he so concerned about other peoples’ young daughters looking like “whores” anyway? It’s almost like he’s obsessed with the idea for some reason...just like super Christian dads are entirely too focused on their

Yeah, I sort of think Kathryn is the worst. I don’t understand women who trap men with pregnancies.

Yeah. It feels weird to have your bare ass hanging out there. I didn’t even like thongs for a long time because they felt too skimpy. Even under my pants.

I got one from the “FBI” saying that my computer was found to have porn, terroristic material, and/or illegally downloaded media on it, and that I had to pay a “fine” to make go away. As it happened, I’ve never been into porn or terrorism, and Kazaa was ten years over by then so I knew this was bullshit. I gotta say

I would sooner wish death on a person than a dog. It’s like the Tosh joke: “I’ve wanted to kill a person today. But not your dog. I’m not a monster.”

My sister looks like my dad’s sister (our aunt) and I look like his brother (our uncle). So in our family, either some incestuous, impossible reproduction happened...or you’re right: genetics are weird.

I think it’s so fascinating how William looked like his mother growing up and then slowly morphed into his father. He has the most accurate genetics I’ve ever seen.

I’m glad Diana cheated on Charles. HE NEVER DESERVED YOU, LADY DI!

IKR? Oh Kanye, you mean you won’t be bringing your thirsty wife to another event where she can embarrass you with her latest “inside out and backwards” dress creation? SAY IT AIN’T SO.

She is insufferable. She sings about boys and dancing and stuff and then tries to tell everyone about AIDS at her concerts.

“Significant” is a generous term. He squeaked by with a touch above 5%. I, for one, cannot wait to see him make an ass of himself during this debate. If he behaves as I predict he will, this will be the worst thing that’s ever happened to him.

That’s Babu.


I hate people.

It’s not. Kara is spinning the story because it’s not panning out how she wishes it would. In her limited worldview, if someone says something negative about a black person, then they’re racist. Even if the person in question threatens to slash someone’s throat with a broken glass. It’s racist. I have no idea why

I know it’s not purposefully offensive, but I just feel like the term “female” undermines women as people. A “female” can describe lots of things: cow, dog, pig, extension cord, etc. I feel like it strips women of all personhood.