
It baffles me as to what these people think is happening in there. It’s a public restroom with private stalls in a hugely successful chain store. Why are these people thinking about bathroom rape so much? It’s almost like it’s all they think about, for some reason.

Yeah, man. County fairs are trashy and fun. Love me some funnel cake. And if someone told me they’d pay me six figures to shill delicious chicken wings, I’d do it without a second thought.

He’s got to have tenure or something that’s allowed him to keep rotting away in a job he’s clearly too incompetent to understand or execute anymore.

As I said in another post, this prof is completely excusing this kid from any responsibility. It’s disgusting. He’s one asinine email away from blaming the girl for her own rape because she made the mistake of wearing a skirt within fifty feet of Labrie. And we all know that means SHE WAS TOTALLY ASKING FOR IT and

He’s completely excusing the kid from any responsibility! Is this prof so tenured that he can blatantly condone sexual assault as long as he dresses it up as “God’s will”? Who are we putting in charge of the children? Never though I’d say this, but WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN?

“Don’t worry, son. It’s not your fault. It’s God’s will! Because you’re so special and God loves you so much! Raping a girl just means you’re destined for great things. You totes deserve it.”

That woman is way too hot for that guy, though. Not because of her race, but just because she is. #attractiontruther

How can people still be so unenlightened, unintelligent, and ass-backwards? And then be proud of it? Yikes.

One thing I find unbelievable about this ad is that that woman is way too hot for that guy. Not because of her race, but just because she is.

This gal needs to busy herself with other things outside of telling other people how to talk. This is pathetic of her.

Seconded. This person doesn’t have anything else going on in their life that they have to sit around and tell other people how to talk? Someone has been holed up in academia for too long and clearly think they’re more important than they are because of it.

It’s not a big deal. This whole thing is so stupid. This person clearly doesn’t have enough going on in their life outside of telling other people how to talk.

She’s always doing crap like this: hawking buffalo wings, performing at county fairs, etc. She’s like a girl who started her modeling career as a Hooter’s waitress and then became a Victoria’s Secret Angel but still always preferred being a Hooter’s waitress.

There has to be some kind of master plan behind this but I CANNOT figure out what the hell that would be.

The NASCAR mug reference makes it.

Oh. Kara. You are everything that’s wrong with Jezebel: a seemingly educated girl who shaves down her perspectives whenever she feels like it so the facts can’t get in the way of an otherwise great opportunity to revel in her self-righteous anger. You willfully ignore things like “context,” “historical accuracy” and

Not “proud of” so much as “embarrassed by.”

This Roy person is a loser. All she has in life is an IG account and a line of tacky shoes? Her daughter must be so proud.

I think it’s because A) it’s Beyonce, who is always charming and sophisticated and beautiful in public as far as I can see, and B) Roy’s so smug about it. She’s smug about being the other woman in a highly publicized marriage. That’s tacky and stomach-churning.

BUT CROSS WAS SO DREAMY. AND HIS NAME WAS CROSS. And Gates Medjowski. I’ll give her this: she opened my mind to weird-ass character names.