Troubled by Nouns

This is like the RHOA episode last year where Phaedra says she used to date NFL star Chuck Smith, and he later shows up on the show to clarify that she was simply on his team (i.e., a groupie that he used to have sex with, among other women). I guess it’s VERY important to get the hierarchy and terminology JUST right.

I really like how this post appears above “The Five Best Labelmakers”

Or to put that much effort into saving a hundred bucks to make an inferior substitute

I played sax in my high school band and we played this song at football games sometimes. I hope the team didn’t take it personally. It was just a fun song to play.

+1 (cumulative)

Lace up your skates, Gordie, you’re going in!

I was at an Angels-Dodgers game in LA where this almost happened. The Angels fans walked around the stadium to go out another exit to avoid the impending brawl. Somehow I was in that group, despite being an actual Dodgers fan.


I, for one, agree with the Lt. Gov. that the cause of any and all problems with police is everyone else.

I just scrolled through the images on the site. I guess they wanted to control for size as the only variable and thus removed any other possible variations in shape, texture, curve, etc. Still, it’s like giving me 33 grapefruits and asking which one is the best breast size.

This. The ruling went against the league’s interpretation and enforcement of its own laws (the CBA). So they’ll revise their policies and laws. I would think the NFLPA would go along with anything to make the “conduct detrimental” clause more specific, since it’s Goodell’s broad and almost wanton application of said

Wait just a goddamn minute. They based this study on people grabbing shampoo bottle shaped things? That’s not remotely like a penis! Unless we’re reading about it in a novel, described as long and hard (English major here).

What he describes is pretty much par for the course. He’s at a maximum security prison in California. A lot of the guys in there are in for so long that they no longer care about any punishment that can be doled out to them, so in a sense they’re free to be as violent as they want.

You take that back! The NFL is full of great Rambassadors to the military Ramily!

The difference is that even though what you say is true, most regular people have been cutting back because we all still need to do so. So it's pretty galling for a celeb who uses more than ten households (just guessing) to not cut back at all.

Immigrant families might be struggling to find work in a declining oil economy, but they still get to barbecue at the top of an $80 million road built to go nowhere, built for no one in particular, built for them.

I’m kind of glad my Curt Schilling rookie cards are worthless, because if they were valuable, all of his unhinged rants would force me to do some real soul searching before tossing them in the fire.

Pretty soon the Internet will just be mashups of supercuts of lipsyncs. Wes Anderson's Olivia Munn-Aaron Rodgers Dubsmash.

TIL that undercover cops in Canada go undercover at Starbucks.

$77 million to five guys not on the team. Bookmarking this for future arguments.