I assumed this year’s astronomical number included some deferred salaries from prior years or trades. Are we still paying Manny Ramirez?
I assumed this year’s astronomical number included some deferred salaries from prior years or trades. Are we still paying Manny Ramirez?
CHP also has all-white Camaros with tiny lights on top. I've seen people blow by them and get pulled over.
You seem like a bright person, so I can’t understand how you managed to misspell “sure” three times in one comment.
Sounds suspiciously like my MIL who didn’t get the food truck idea, even for the rehearsal dinner, which was totally informal anyway! Argh MILs!
I wish you’d told that to my manic depressive friend who struggled a bit at a wedding with me a few years ago, sans meds in misplaced luggage.
This must be how I got 7 right, because I only knew two. Standardized tests are still my thing.
And his name was Canada Rampage. So saying “Hi” is what counts as a rampage in Canada?
Or, no stars.
How many terribly overexplained Prince Fielder jokes are you going to post today?
Every trophy hunter I have ever met (to be fair, it’s only two so far) has been a dentist. Correlation?
So he can’t run for president. But can we at least get a Tumblr out of the idea?
did anyone else have the thought that if you feel so strongly about the behavior on the show, then why are your kids watching or reading about it?
Of all the people I expected to take this troll bait, Jolie Kerr was not very close to the top of the list.
I took a really awesome selfie of a sunset the other day.
Yes, that's when it became meaningless.
Don't forget all those titles Michael won with the Bulls.
Why did no one tell me this before I moved out of film-every-weekend DTLA?