
Holy crap, I read it that way too. I scrolled through the article again thinking I missed the part where he loses his eye at the hospital.

I read the headline wrong and now I am leaving releived but slightly disappointed.

Regardless of race, how would you feel if you saw a video of an effigy of YOUR child’s uniform number being burned at the stake by anyone?

OR... and hear me out here - maybe just not burn effigies of the opposing team? I know, it’s crazy, I call this “literally don’t be a bunch of assholes” and it’s TOUGH!... tough, I get it. But I think it might just be worth a shot.

It’s a really simple solution for something that isn’t a problem.

Counterpoint: fuck misogynists.

I don’t know why they are’s as close to a women that they are going to get.

I don’t even play Total War.

Hey everyone, found the incel!

This isn’t “nerd culture”, it’s just some misogynists who also happen to have a nerdy hobby, so they express their misogyny through that hobby.

Please don’t un-grey the sad little boy.

Nobody cares.

Projection is a hell of a drug.

Yes, clearly what this situation needed was more pedantry.

The thing that gets me is these are the same people who call US too easily offended and triggered.

Oh thank god that Dictionary Guy is here to save the day. 

Fragile masculinity strikes again. It’s reassuring though that they tend to overlap with incels, and thus a higher than average chance they’ll never produce offspring.

to add. the way gamers and “nerd culture “ people act anymore, if anyone asks what my hobby is, I just say i watch porn, becasue at this point, its the LESS EMBARRASSING FAN-BASE I BELONG TO

Man, I’m all in on CA’s response to this. I mean, ya, they need the game to sell and all that, but I’m here for the “don’t like it, don’t play it” answer. 

oh fuuuuck this.