
Nah. Bernie won’t stop. He’ll campaign through the convention making the democrats bleed their war chest just to get through the primaries.  That’s our Bernie!

Also, I will point out how stupid Bernie Bros like Sam are. Imagine you are a casual reader of this site or saw the headline somewhere and were/are a big Pete supporter. You are excited to hear about Pete being on Jimmy Kimmel. In less than a minute, instead of being excited, you remember all the online abuse you took

Argle bargle neo-lib, corporatist, establishment, plot that rigged it with help from The Clintons, and CIA Mayor Pete, that’s why. Blooo blooo blah.

If you’re the crown prince of Vermont and you lose a substantial amount of votes (nearly 40% from 2016 to 2020) in said Vermont on Super Tuesday, you’re in trouble.

What presidential campaigns? He’s only done one before this. Activism? Since when? Aside from some very local stuff he did in Vermont, he hasn’t really done much in years. Symbolism, yes more than anything.

Since always. Are you kidding? This site and G/O media always stans hard for Bernie above anyone and everyone else.

Yeah, that post office he got named, man. Fight the power.

Getting weird? It’s been weird. I figured this site would start leaning towards an endless series of articles about old men getting fellated 24/7 after a while, but not like this.

Have you read this site? It’s a nest of bro and broettes who think their passive agressive swipes at actual team players who want to work together to defeat Trump make them superior beings, as opposed to insulated, mean-spirited spoiled cosplay socialists. The hip writers think it is a-okay that the bros harrassed

While it’s true Buttigieg did run a failed presidential campaign, to say he ran for president just to become famous is disingenuous, or at least ignorant.

Since you all seem obsessed with the Bernie cult, would you mind sharing what percentage of your staff is made up of upper-class white males? Thank you

Much as I hate Facebook I would never hate on a Buttigieg Presidency.  

What? He ran for DNC chair and took off because of a CNN town hall last year. What does that have to do with Facebook.

no she’s not. she was on some radio show and was confronted with it, and then turned into a robot speaking in her talking points that she’s aping from bernie.

So all The Warren ass kissers are claiming Amy & others shouldn’t have come for her last night. Really? Hillary took shit from all sides and never appeared as flustered as Liztopher Columbus was last night. Answer me this what the fuck did you think was going to happen to her? She can’t explain a damn thing she wants

You mean the woman and her stans that are all complaining today that everyone came for her last night? Again answer the fucking questions: If Amy, Mayor Pete, Kamala and Castro could fluster her what the fuck do you think Trump will do? Yes I am going to shit on her. She has taken shots at Obama and Hillary and comes

I always enjoy this story from his teacher every time someone questions that:
One school day, while rushing to get to another classroom, one of her students, a boy with learning disabilities, intercepted her in the hallway. Chismar remembers that the boy was trying to explain something to her in great and exhausting

1) “Moral energy” here means, “This show hits so close to reality that I can’t mentally handle it because there’s so much wrong.” This is a common sentiment with white guys. My brother thought the book was “too much to handle,” and I reminded him it was based on real events. He looked dumbfounded and I said, “Oh I’m

Me thinks Dale Peck is l o n e l y. He secretly envies the charming happy life that Pete and his husband seemingly and authenticly have whilst Dale has..Grindr.

What a pathetic, apologist piece. You don’t get that although Peck lives in the mud, Buttigieg doesn’t and everyone understands that. Peck dragging Buttigieg down into the sewer in which he dwells, speculating on his sex life (can you imagine anyone doing this about Warren? Harris? Sanders? No, you can’t.) and